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Jan Dae's POV

"Father, I heard you calling for me. Is there something you need me to do?" I asked my Father. I seated in front of him as he offered me some tea. I declined.

"How's your soldiers?" he asked.

"They're fine. Do we have any task to accomplish, Father?" I answered. He haven't ask me about the state of my soldiers before so I'm pretty sure we're up for something.

"Get them ready. You and your soldiers will be tasked to guard the daughter of the chief of a town in Japan. Their family will be here tomorrow."

"What brings them here Father?"

"They will be looking into our town to see if having an alliance with us is fine with them. We really need their town's reputation to bring ours up. They will be here for a month."

"It's not to be rude but, Don't you think that their guards should be the one guarding their daughter? I'm pretty sure they have soldiers as well. As what you have said, they are here to make sure if having an affiliation with our town is fine with them." I asked. It really made me curious since they can't just trust someone with their daughter. Well, not that I'm saying we'd do bad because I'm sure we'll do a great job.

"Are you doubting your army's capability?" he asked.

"No Father! It just crossed my mind." I defended myself.

"Well it's their daughter's choice to let you guard her. Now, don't let me down okay?"

"Yes Father."

"Okay you may now leave." I stood up, bowed at him and went outside.

Their daughter was the one who chose us to guard her? Wow. She must be brave then. Trusting someone with her life that easily. Anyway, I'm going to make sure she is safe here.

I went to my soldier's inn. They bowed to me as I entered. I didn't waste any time and told them about the news.

Next day

After I told my soldiers their tasks, they immediately went to their respective guarding places. I went to my father so that we could both wait for the coming family.

I don't know why but I suddenly feel excited about them. I also feel nervous at the same time. Jan Dae get a grip of yourself. You are just going to guard their daughter. It's not as hard as your other battles right? Right right. I started making myself calm and waited.

"They're here! The Sekai family is here!!" I heard someone shouted.

A woman in an elegant hanbok dress came, as well as a man wearing an elegant garment as well. Together with them was a lady. Maybe that's their daughter. My father came to greet them, I also went with him and bowed.

"By the way, this is my daughter Jan Dae. She is a warrior as you can see. She and her army is in charge with your daughter." My father said. I bowed at them again and they returned the favor.

"So you really are a warrior. How great of you!" The chief said. Oh good. They can also speak Korean. I smiled and said thanks.

"Oh. What a good child! This is my daughter by the way. Her name is Na Ri." Her mom introduced her. I looked at her and.......

No one's POV

"Oh. What a good child! This is my daughter by the way. Her name is Na Ri." As Na Ri's mom introduced her, Jan Dae was stunned. She couldn't say anything when  she saw the girl.

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