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My first stop is my English Class. I am together with Dahyun today. We are walking to our room when suddenly she said something.

"Chaeyoung-ah, I think I'm Bisexual." She blurted out. I never expected Dahyun to have the same sexuality as mine. I am proud of her tho.

"What made you realize that?" I asked.

"I always think that I like girls as well. Even before. Sorry for not telling you guys." she answered.

"It's okay Dahyun-ah. There is nothing wrong with being bi as long as you are being true to yourself and you are not stepping on someone. Is that what Jeongyeon unnie's trying to say awhile ago?"

"Yeah. I should've told you guys sooner. I just feel shy when it comes to telling someone."

"Don't be. You should be proud because you are finally being true to yourself. Not all people can do that." I assured her and she smiled back.

"Thanks Chaeyoung. By the way, how's your dream? Still the same?" she asked. Oh right. I haven't tell them yet.

"It is still the same. Although there is something unusual in my dream. They both died." I said. I told her what happened in my dream. Better tell her while I can still remember it. Dahyun's face is painted with shock. I can tell by the way she look that she wants to say something but held it up.

"Yaah. Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No..Nothing. I-I j..just... Have you seen their faces clearly?" she asked. Have I?

"No. I haven't. Everything in my dream is clear but their faces are a blur." I told her. We reached our room and we decided to sit at the back. The teacher is not here yet so we continued our chat.

"Do you somehow feel connected to one of them?" she asked me again. Hey, this is the first time Dahyun is actually interested in my dream. Her question is even serious.

"Yeah I do. The girl in the army suit I was talking about? I feel connected to her for some reasons. Maybe because we are both boyish and we like girls Hahahaha." I said while laughing so she won't make a big deal of it. She just nodded.

"Chae, I-I a...actually..."

And then the teacher came, "Tell me later" I told her.

Some boring class as usual.


I couldn't focus all throughout the class. My mind was wandering and not in its studying state as usual. I just can't take off Chaeyoung's dream in my mind. Okay so here's the thing. I am actually a k-drama lover and most of the dramas that I have watched are about past life and reincarnation stuff. Recently, I got interested to those kind of stuffs so I started researching about them. Some experiences say that they just feel connected to a certain material and start crying. Well some of them feels empty inside and when they go to a place which seems very familiar to them, they automatically feel sentimental and starts crying as well. There was also an experience which is quite similar to Chae's. When you dream consecutively about something that is set in the past and you somehow feel connected to them.

All these situations usually leads to people undergoing Past Life Regression with professional psychologists of course. That is when they discover their past lives and actually realizes that those situations are related to what happened to them before. A psychologist also said that those situations wherein they feel anxious or sentimental to a certain material might be a sign that what happened before might repeat in the present. As what others say, "History repeats itself".

I may be talking shit right now. But when I heard Chaeyoung's story, I really had a strong sense that she's one of the characters in her dream. She was Jan Dae. She died. And the fact that history is repeating itself is scaring me. But who knows? I might be over reacting. Still, I'm sure I have a point.

"DAHYUN-AH!!!" someone screamed into my ear. Seriously?! What's with people screaming??

"Yaah!! You don't have to scream you know. I can hear you." I told her and glared. Ugh. Chaeyoung, really.

"Hear me? Seriously Dahyun. You've been staring for eternity. I bet you don't even know what the teacher said."

"Wait. The teacher is gone already?!" Gosh. I can't believe my mind dozed off for an hour already. I looked at Chaeyoung and she stared at me with disbelief.

"What were you saying by the way?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I'm just curious why you never listened to the professor. What has gotten into you?" Oh no. I couldn't tell her my theory. Theory? Really Dahyun? I laughed internally because of my jam. Hahaha.

"You're weird." she told me.

"Heck I'm not"

"You're laughing on your own!!"

"Did I?"

"Oh my god Dahyun. Let's just go. I have my art class." Oh yeah. And I don't have my class after this. Great.

"By the way, what was the thing you were about to say awhile ago?" Shit. I can't tell her now.

"Okay, Let's go." I raced through the door and left her.


I can't believe Dahyun left me hanging. Really? Ugh. She should have told me what she was going to tell me. I suddenly felt anxious. It seems like what she was going to say is important. Oh well, I'll ask her later.

I went to my art class and I sat at the front desk. I began to take out my sketch pad and my drawing pencil. My eyes wandered for inspiration when suddenly, it landed on my seatmate's artwork.

It was a drawing of 2 women. One was in an army suit and the other one was wearing the hanbok dress. But it wasn't just that. The sketch had some blood on it. Jan Dae and Na Ri!! I suddenly felt pain on my head.

"Ouch! Ah shit! Oh my god it hurts!!" I blurted out. This is really getting the nerve of me. What the heck?!

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" the boy who owns the drawing asked me.
I didn't have the time to look at him but instead, I looked inside my bag and found my medicine. I ate it and I feel less pain on my head. I was just about to look to the person who owns the drawing when...

"Good morning class. So today, I want you to make a sketch of something that is very memorable to you. I'll be right back." said the teacher and left. Oh great. So when I actually want to draw my dream, my head will just hurt. As usual. Wow. Thanks fate. For siding with me.

"Hey what's wrong with you? You seem to hate my drawing." the boy asked me again. I looked at him.

"Why do you have that kind of drawing?" I asked. Wait. Did I sound rude?

"W..what? I just drew it. I didn't know why. I just feel like drawing it." he said. I don't know if it's just my imagination but I saw him smirked while saying that.

"You just felt like drawing some kind of tragic shit?" I blurted out. Fuck it. What's wrong with me? I just had anger issues while talking to this trash. Okay. Enough.

"What did you just say?!" Oh so he's triggering me huh?

"Nothing. I just think that maybe since you're in an art class, you should try drawing some inspirational stuff and not like things that can scare the shit out of people." I said.

"This drawing ain't shit. You are. You and all the homosexual people are shit. Why do you even enter in that kind of relationship anyway? Maybe I should draw more blood on m...." REALLY NOW?!?! OKAY I CAN'T HANDLE THIS

No one's POV

And before Chaeyoung knew it, she punched the boy in his face. Anger was obvious in Chaeyoung's face as she keeps on punching the boy. The boy, who couldn't believe how strong Chaeyoung was, punched her in the face as well. Rage was getting the both of them. Their classmates tried to stop them but it was useless. They kept on punching each other.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!" The teacher said completely outraged with what he saw.

"Chaeyoung! Taemin! Off to my office! NOW!!" they stopped punching each other but grudge is not oblivious in their eyes.

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