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I woke up in my room, I sat up and my head was pounding

I started walking down the hall when I heard Dean and Sam talking

"I don't know she just vanished" Dean sounded frustrated

I walked in "who vanished?"

The both turned and looked at me

"No one.. nobody vanished"

I looked at them and crossed my arms "guys just tell me who's gone"

Sam sighed "Mom"

Skylar age 14

I screamed bloody murder as it felt like my insides were being ripped apart

It was only me and dad at the time, Dad wanted Dean and Sam to go get the food tonight

"Let her go you bastard!" Dad yelled as he was across the room on the other wall

The demon walked over towards him "He will have her.. one day and one day soon" he disappeared making us both fall

Dad came rushing over "Hey, hey look at me" I opened my eyes

"What happened?" Dean and Sam walked in

"I'll explain later"

Present day

I never knew what that meant 'He'll have her one day'

I was walking down the hall when I heard a noise, I walked into one of the rooms and saw Jack stabbing himself

"Hey" I walked and took the knife off of him "your going to hurt yourself"

"Sorry" he looked down

"What are you doing with this anyways?" He didn't answer, I sighed and sat down "do you know anything about your father.. like at all?"

He looked away then back at me "his name, it's Castiel"

"No it's-"

"I know who my father actually is" his eyes started glowing "but I chose Castiel as my father.. do you know where he is"

I looked down as tears brimmed my eyes "I'm sorry he's.. umm... he's dead"

"Oh" he looked down "I'm sorry, it's not your fault"

"I feel like it is" I looked at him "I was the one who was taken by..." I couldn't tell him the rest

"By who?"

"Nobody, just forget what I said"

"Go ahead, you can tell me I won't get upset"

"Lucifer.." I started to get a little light headed

"Skylar is everything alright?" Jack asked

I stood up "Yeah, Yeah Im.. fine" everything went black

Sam's POV

"Help!" I heard Jack

I went running and found him with Sky "What happened?"

"I'm not sure, we were talking then she collapsed" he sounded worried

I picked her up and carried her to her room while Jack followed "has this hapoened before?"

I set her on her bed "more then you think"

"Why does this happen?"

I sighed "I'm not sure, but when it happens it's not good"

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