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Dean and Sam were furious when I finally  told them about my dreams

"Why didn't tell us sooner Skylar!?" Dean shouted

"Because I was scared Dean" Tears brimmed my eyes "And I still am"

Arm's were wrapped around me "We're not going anywhere" Sam spoke softly

"Please don't make promises you can't keep"


It's been a couple of weeks and I was back on my feet "Oh god it feels good to walk again"

"Think you're ready to hunt again?" Sam asked

"Yeah I think so"

"Good" Dean smiled "Cause it's us your after" His and Sam's eyes flicked black

I backed away "Get out of my brothers right now you sick fucks!" I screamed, they started laughing

"We've been in your brothers for a long time now" Sam walked closer

"Cas!" I heard the sound of wings behind me "Cas their possessed"

"I know"

Cas grabbed me "Cas what are you doing?, Let me go"

"Oh that's not Cas in there Honey" Dean smiled


Sam got out a knife and walked towards me

"Sam Please You need to fight it.. Please Sam!" I begged, I turned towards Dean "Dean?" He kept smiling at me "You guys need to fight them off, I know your still in there Please!"

"Sorry Sis" Sam grinned


He stabbed me, blood flowing out of my mouth, I fell onto the floor , Dean, Sam and Cas all stood around me


I shot awake, Tears running down my face, Dean, Sam and Cas stood there


"You gonna tell us what you dreamt about?" Sam asked

I looked down "It was about you guys.... you were possessed"

"Here" Dean held out the demon blade and holy water "Do every single test.. even on Cas"

"Wait what?" Cas spoke up

"Just have to make sure Cas"


They passed every test and now me and Dean were out getting food, He looked over at me "How many times have you had the dream?"

"Which one?" I looked at him

"You know The Dream"

"Least 7 Times a month"

"How long have you been having it?"

"4 months now" I squeaked out

"Oh and you just decided to tell us what maybe two weeks ago"

"Dean I told you I was scared"

"Could've least said something Sky"


"Hey!" Charlie squealed as she ran over to hug us

"Hey how you been kid?" Dean smiled

"Ahhh okay"

I knew something was up, I crossed my arms "Okay what's wrong?"

"I need you're help"


Apparently When Charlie was in Oz her evil or bad side took a persona of it's own and it got out and has been giving Charlie absolute hell

Sam and Dean were out helping Charlie find her 'Bad' Self while Me and Cas stayed back trying to track where Bad charlie's tracks

"Hello Skylar"

I looked up and saw Her, I hurried and stood up, Cas did the same, Cas went to push me behind him but was thrown across the room "Cas!?" He was out cold "What did you do to him!?"

"Oh don't worry he'll be fine" Charlie walked closer to me, she then got out a knife "It's you that you should worry about"

I went to run but she quickly grabbed me and pinned me against the wall, gripping my throat

"Skylar!" Dean walked in with his gun pointed at 'Bad' Charlie, Sam came in right after, 'Good' Charlie was with Cas who was finally coming to

"Come any closer and she's dead" She held the knife against my throat she then whispered in my ear "Have fun in hell" the knife went into my abdomen, Blood filled my mouth as I fell onto the floor

Sam and Dean shot 'Bad' Charlie but she took off, Cas Came running over putting pressure onto the wound

"Cas get her to the med bay now!" Sam yelled.

General POV

Cas didn't hesitate, He picked Skylar up and ran down the halls and into the med bay, he quickly but carefully put her on a table

"Now is gonna hurt alright? He looked at Skylar, a part of the blade was still inside of her

"Just do it cas" Skylar basically begged, Cas let out a deep breath and started pulling out the knife, Skylar started screaming, Tears formed in Cas' eyes

Soon Dean and Sam rushed in, Dean started stroking Skylar's hair "Hey it's alright, you're gonna be alright baby girl"

"It's my fault this is all my fault" Charlie kept mumbling

"Non of this is you're fault alright?"  Skylar looked over at Charlie

Skylar's skin getting paler and paler soon pale like a ghost

"She's losing too much blood" Dean panicked

"You don't think I know that!" Cas yelled as he tried healing the wound, Skylar's eyes closed

"No, no, no Skylar?" Dean cupped her cheeks"C'mon baby girl stay with us" Tears brimmed his eyes "Skylar!"

The Third Winchester (Supernatural)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon