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Skylar's POV 2 weeks later

I ran over to Sam "you okay?"

He rubbed his head "yeah I think so" he looked at me "where's Dean and Cas?"

I looked over my shoulder "back there, their fine" I helped him up

"What the hell was that?" Dean groaned

I shook my head "I don't know" I looked at Cas "You have any idea?"

"No I'm sorry"

"Shit" we were all just in the bunker then we were in an old house, different rooms, floors, it was like a maze, somethinf had attacked us when we all found each other but it was somethinf we never encountered before, I looked around "C'mon we need to find a way out"


"Thanks" Dean took the beer and took a swing

Soon Rowena and Crowley showed up "Cas, may we speak with you?" Crowley asked

We looked at Cas "What's going on?" Sam asked

"It's nothing" Cas walked away "I'll be back" and like that he was gone

Cas' POV

"Okay what's going on?"

Crowley looked at Rowena "it's happening"

I raised an eyebrow "what is?"

She rolled her eyes "It"

"Damnit" I mumbled "I have to-"

"You can't protect them forever!"

"I made a promise to Skylar and I attend to keep it"

Skylar's POV

"What's taking Cas so long?" Dean walked in

I shrugged "don't know" I then walked to the table "by the way I made pie"

"Oh hell yeah!" He quickly grabbed a fork and dug in


I laid on my bed with my headphones in when Cas finally came back "what took you so long?" I asked

"Had some business to take care of"

I sighed and sat up "it has to do with the dream I had didn't it?"


I shook my head "Cas... It's bound to happen I'm not sure when but my nightmares are... were always right, so who knows with this one" he looked down nervously "it's happening isn't it?"

He gave me the puppy dog eyes look "I'm sorry"

Tears brimmed my eyes but I blinked them away "when is it going to happen?"

"Im not sure but soon"

I ran my hand through my hair "fuck" I stood up grabbing the glass beside my bed and squeezed it shattering in my hand, I looked down and saw the blood oozing out of my hand, Cas came over and grabbed it picking out the glass pieces, soon my door opened and I knew who it was"I'm scared Cas"

He gently pulled out a piece of glass "I know, it'll be alright"

"What's going on?" Sam asked, I looked away as tears started falling

Cas calmly spoke "I'll explain later"

Skylar 13, Sam 15, Dean 19

I walked through the halls of yet another new school, I carried my book tight to my chest and pushed the rim of my turquoise colored glasses, Braces, yes I'm like the movie stereotype school nerd, I was quickly shoved Up into the wall, finally I got to the room and all eyes were on me

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