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Sam's POV

It's been four more days and Cas finally came back, he said he had a plan because apparently Lucifer is in the damn presidents body

As we were talking about the plan there was a scream, We took off

Skylar was gone, she just disappeared "Sky!?" Dean shouted looking around

I looked at him "You and mom go look that way me and Cas will go this way, she couldn't have gone far.... hopefully"

Dean just rolled his eyes and him and mom took off

"C'mon" me and Cas went the other way

"Skylar?" I called out, nothing "Sky!?"

We continued walking around till I heard faint cries "Skylar open the door"

Nothing, I tried opening it but it was locked

Cas moved me out of the way then he held his arm out, his eyes glowing blue he blew it open, hearing a scream I ran in, debris everywhere, I quickly made my way over to where the cries were

"Hey hey" I bent down, I went to touch her but she jumped away "it's just me"

She looked up, shaking, red puffed eyes "Sammy?"

"Yeah it's me" I gave a small smile, then she passed out, I picked her up and went to carry her back to her room when Mom and Dean came running in

"What the hell happened?" Dean asked

"Not sure and maybe we don't wanna know"

Skylar's POV

I shot awake trying to catch my breath, I looked over and saw it was the 5th.. have I really been out for four weeks?

I got out of bed and made my way down the halls "guy's?" Nothing "Mom?" Nothing

I walked into the kitchen and saw there wasn't much to eat "the hell?"

I heard the bunker door open so I hid with my knife in hand, I heard footsteps walk in and braced myself

I lunged forward almost stabbing who it was "it's me"


We both stood up "I'm sorry if I scared you"

"No, no" I shook my head "it's fine.. where's everyone else?"

"They'll be here soon" I nodded "how long have you been awake?" He asked

"Maybe five minutes"

Skylar's POV age 6

I woke up shaking and crying, I quickly brought my knees to my chest

"Hey" I looked over and saw Dean sitting up "You alright?"

I shook my head

"Nightmare?" He asked


"C'mere" he moved over in bed, I went over and climbed in, he wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head down "I got you, everything's fine"

Soon I fell into a deep sleep

Present day

I woke up catching my breath, I looked at the clock and it was was almost five in the morning, I sighed and got out of bed

I walked into the kitchen and put water on to make myself a cup of tea


I turned around and saw Dean "can't sleep?"

"No" I turned back around and poured the water in the cup "want one?"

He nodded so I handed him a cup "Hey how about we go and sit down on the couch?"

We both walked in and sat down, Dean reached over and turned the tv on, which The Nightmare Before Christmas was on "I remember watching this as a kid" I smiled

"You never could watch the whole thing" he chuckled "You probably still can't"

I put my hand on my hip "for your information I can"

"Oh really" he raised an eyebrow "is that a bet"

"Sure is, winner gets what?"

He thought about it "if I win you buy me all the pie I want for a whole week"

I nodded "and if I win you have to kiss Cas and let me video tape it"

"Fine, we have a deal then"

Dean's POV

Not even a half hour she was out, I set her cup on the table l, turned off the tv and carried her to her room

Once I set her down she started getting restless

I sighed and laid down next to her humming what came to mind, that always seemed to calm her down which it did

"Night kiddo"

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