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Skylar's POV 10 years old Let's say Dean's 18 and Sam's 15

I ran and ran, It was raining pouring actually, I ran through puddles that were probably turn into small pond by the way this rain was coming down until I tripped over and tree root

"Damnit" If dad would've heard me he'd probably kill me, soon I was thrown against the tree

"What do we have here?" The demon walked closer

"What do you want with me?"

He walked over and grabbed me by the neck

"Just wanted to have some fun" he grinned, he started squeezing, I couldn't breathe

I acted quickly and kicked his where the sun don't shine, he quickly dropped me and I exercised him

I quickly caught my breath before taking off again


I quickly opened the door to the hotel and closed it behind me

"Hey where have you been?" Dad asked ,Dean and Sam looked over

I looked down and I had blood on my shirt and hands, I couldn't say anything

"Skylar?" Dad asked, I looked back up at him "What happened?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat "A.... a Demon happened.. sir"

Dad looked surprised "And you killed it?, By yourself?"

I nodded, I waited for the yelling but was brought into a hug

"I'm glad you're okay" He kissed the top of my head "Now go clean yourself up and we'll eat"

I smiled and nodded and grabbed new clothes and jumped in the shower


I'll never forget that day, Dad was proud of me he even let me choose where we had dinner that night.. my first demon kill

"Earth to Skylar" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw we were at a pizza joint "You hungry?" Sam asked

I nodded, I then looked at the sign "Wait is this?"

Dean smiled "Yep, Now C'mon" He got out, we were at the same exact pizza joint I picked out that night

As we walked in it was like nothing change, it felt like I was ten again

"Hi how many?" The girl asked, there was a noise and I knew who it was

"Four please" Cas walked around the corner

"Alright follow me"

Sam's POV

After We ate we headed off on our next case, Sky was sound asleep in the back

"Pour kid" Dean glanced back, Skylar hasn't been sleeping well the past couple nights which has me worried

"She still has powers" Cas looked at us

me and Dean looked at each other 'What?"

"She told me that nothings happened" I looked forward

"It actually did stop for awhile after Yellow eyes, but it's starting again"

Dean cleared his throat "When did it start?"

Cas looked over at Sky "Just a few nights ago"

Of course it was a few nights ago

Cas then looked at me "How about we talk about you"

I sighed and rolled my eyes

Skylar's POV

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