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Skylar's POV

It's been a few days and well things haven't gotten any better, Dean and Sam are at each others throats basically 24/7

in fact they were yelling at each other now while I looked for a case "Guys?'"

They kept yelling


Still nothing

"Would you two shut the fuck up for two minutes!"

They turned to me with surprised faces

"I think I have a case"

Dean put his arms out"Why didn't you try telling us sooner?"

I gave Dean the 'I'll kick you in the nuts so hard' look "I tried but you two were at each other throats!"

Sam walked over "Okay so what do we got?"

"A man was found in his house ripped apart, the neighbors heard a horse and called the police"

"A horse?"

"That's what it says"

Dean tilted his head "Alright, Let's go then"


We found a tattoo on the mans arm and found out it was something from like a mid-evil fairy tale thing but we found out that it wasn't a tattoo because when we talked to his buddy he had the same mark.. after he died

We headed to the little fair thing type thing in hopes to find out what the symbol is and what it means

"Here ye here ye!"

I face palmed "Oh God" Yes I may be a nerd about a few things but this, yeah no thank you

While Dean and Sam ask questions I decided to walk around


I turned around and saw Charlie I hurried and went and hugged her

"Hands off the Queen!"

Soon a plastic sword was in my face

"Its alright my good sir, she's a deer old friend of mine"

The man is shiny, tinfoil armor nodded and walked away

"What are you doing here?, I thought you didnt like mid-evil role play?"

"I don't but might have a case that involves two men of yours"

"Nutter butters" Charlie looked up and rolled her eyes"oh no"

Sam spoke up "Hey"

Charlie crossed her arms "What do you want?"

"I told you were working on a case that involves this whole role play thing"

She sighed "How long do you think you'll be here?"

Sam sighed "Not sure" 

"Well at least get in costume then"

"I will in a few I'm going to check and see what the symbol is" Sam walked away

"Well looks like it's just you two"

Charlie walked over and started picking outfits


While Dean walked around in chain armor I had to wear  skimpy outfit showing off my body "Sure there isn't anything else?"

we were walking around the grounds asking around

"Look I'm sorry it's all I had left"

Sure it was


Okay now Charlie is missing, and while Dean and Sam both had full sets of clothes while I ran around in basically a bra and panties

we all met up in the middle "Where do you think she could be at?"

I shook my head "I don't have a clue"

Dean pointed "What about over there?"

We looked over and there was a small white tent that had some light in it, we all looked at each other and walked over

We walked in and it was huge on the inside, had a fire place and everything, I looked over and Charlie and another girl were making out

Dean smirked "Oh la la"

Charlie and the girl jumped off the bed

"Damnit can't we have some privacy?"   

"Sorry" I grinned, I looked over at the other girl and knew "You're a fairy?"

Charlie's eyes widened "Skylar I" I cut her off

"Not like that" I walked to them "A fairy tale type fairy"

"It's true" She looked "I was summoned here from my realm"

"Who summoned you?" Sam asked

Soon the knight in tinfoil armor walked in, he gave the fairy a look and she nodded she made his foam sword into a real one and I went flying, I hit my head and blacked out


I woke up in my room, in a panic I should say "Hey Take it easy" Sam walked over

"Please tell me that was all a dream?" I begged

Dean then walked in "Oh it was no Dream kiddo"

"Damn" I groaned, I sat up in bed "How long have I been out?"

"Just a couple hours" Dean handed me a bottle of water


Sam then stood up off the bed "You hungry?, I can make you a burger and fries or heat up some pizza?"

"Pizza sounds good" I chuckled, he nodded and walked out

"You feeling better?" Dean asked concerned  "You did hit your head pretty hard"

"I think a advil and some sleep with help"

"Well let me know if you need anything" He went to walk out but stopped in his tracks, he quickly turned his heal "One more thing?"


"We know how to kill Dick and we're killing him in less then two weeks"



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