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"Hey hurry up we're leaving in twenty" Dean pounded on the door

I sighed and turned off the water, I put on my clothes and quickly dried my hair, I hurried up and packed my things and I made sure I didn't leave anything behind

"Ready?" Dean stood in the doorway

"Yeah I think so" I looked at him, it's just been me, Dean and Dad while Sam's off at college, I've missed Sam, wished he'd pick up the phone though I've been trying to get a hold of him for over a year now

"Well lets go"

I nodded and got in the Impala, Dean started her up and boy she sounded good, I started going through Tapes and picked out Motorhead

"Nice choice" Dean smirked and put it in


Me and him were sitting in a diner having dinner looking for a case and Dad, Dad's been missing for about two weeks now, he hasn't called nothing

"So" Dean started "What's our case?"

I was looking at my laptop "Looks like about twenty miles from here five teens went missing and they found one dead and are thinking the same for the other"

Dean kept shoving his face with the burger he was eating "Doesn't sound like anything to do with us"

"He had these on his neck" I showed him the picture

"Okay so maybe it does" He cleaned his hands "Think we should call Bobby?"

I shook my head "I think we can handle it ourselves"

"If you say so"

I looked up at him then rolled my eyes


I closed the laptop and started eating my food "it sounded like you weren't too confident"

He set his burger down and got a drink "Remember what happened awhile back"

I rolled my eyes again "Dean I was twelve"

"And you almost got yourself killed"

He was right, I had let my guard down for a second and I was jumped from behind, The Vamp nearly ripped my throat out but thankfully Dad killed the bitch

"Dean I'll be fine, we've dealt with Vamps hundreds of times since then"

"Yeah with help from Dad"

"Dean just please"

"Alright, Alright"


As Dean was getting gas I tried calling Sam but got his voice mail

"Sam, It's skylar.. again, Look please just pick up okay, it's urgent"

I sighed and threw my phone beside me, Dean then popped his head in and handed me some cash

"Here, get us some snacks for later"

"Why can't we get them later?"

he rolled his eyes "Would you just get them"

"Okay, Can't take a joke I see"


Dean was pinned against the wall, as was I... fuck

"You smell good" The woman smelled Dean

Dean smirked "Thanks it's called Old spice"

She punched him "Shut up"

I looked at the Vamp who pinned me "What do you want?"

"Too feed sweetie, And this kill is going to be even sweeter knowing you two are hunters"

I smiled "Yeah I don't think so"

I cut his head off, The woman dropped Dean and growled and started towards me

"Come at me bitch"

She bolted towards me, I moved to the side and she went through a window, I looked over at Dean and he was out "Dean!?"

I felt hands around my neck and I fell onto the floor

The woman squeezed harder "Your gonna pay for what you did to him" She had tears in her eyes

I started feeling around and found the machete , I brought it up and cut her damn head off, Some of her blood got onto my face and shirt but fuck it she's dead

I pushed the body off of me and Looked over to Dean

He was rubbing the side of his head

I let out a sigh "Hey you okay?"

He looked at me and nodded "Yeah... You?"

"Good" I gave a thumbs up, I plopped down in a chair catching my breath


we found a hotel and now Dean was watching TV and I had just gotten out of the shower, I walked over to my bed and sat down "Fuck" I sighed


I looked over "What?"

"Language" Dean pointed at me

I raised an eyebrow "Dean, I'm 19 and I've been swearing since I was 14"

"Yeah well... I don't like it"

"You swear all the time!"

"It cause I'm the oldest and to hear your baby sister swear like fucking crazy is just weird.."

I shrugged and laid down "I'll see you in the morning"


Dean looked at me odd "Aren't you gonna eat?"

"Not really hungry"

"Then why did you order Bacon, Sausage and Toast?"

I just shrugged

Dean leaned forward "Okay how about you just eat two pieces of bacon, a piece of sausage and a few bites of toast we can head off"

I sighed "fine"

"Thank you"


I tried calling Dad again hoping he would pick up but once again nothing "Where the hell are you?"

I set my phone down on the table and sat down, Dean was out probably hooking up with some chick while I stayed at the hotel Watching TV, drinking Beer eating cheese fries cause let's be honest Cheese fries are amazing!

I threw away the container the fries were in and washed my hands.... well after I licked the cheese off

I kept flipping through the TV Channels when one for Busty Asian Beauties came on, I tilted my head "Hmmm I can see why Dean's into this"

When I heard the door jiggle so I quickly changed the channel, Soon Dean walked in "Hey I Brought sweets"

"I'll save mine for later"

"You might wanna eat it now cause if you don't I will" he then pulled two containers and three little cups

"Fine and whats with the cups?" I walked over

"Well I got me pie with Ice cream on the side and open yours"

I opened it and it was a Chocolate cake, in one cup was Ice cream and the other was extra hot fudge


"Yeah thought We could treat ourselves" he took a bite of his pie "Oh god this is so good!.. I love Pie"

"Yeah I know you eat it like every day"

"Shut up"

Hi I wanna say sorry in advance if this book is shit... anyways enjoy and I'll update when I can and I had to re publish this cause it said I published this chapter but nope it didn't so here ya go I'll get the other chapters I had published up as soon as I can

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