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I woke up on the couch with a pounding headache, I sat up rubbing my temples

"How are you feeling?"

I looked up to see Cas standing there "Fine I guess.. Had a weird dream though"

"And what was that?" He asked tilting his head a bit

I went to tell him but then Dean and Sam walked in "Okay guess it wasn't a dream"

Sam handed me a coffee "Here"


Then Sam and Dean started talking about a case

"Wait a second" I butted in, everyone looked at me

"So we're just acting like nothing happened?"

Dean shrugged "That's the plan"


"What?" Sam asked

"Well one Cas just showed up out of nowhere then all of a sudden Dean comes back from Purgatory and we're not going to question how he got out or if it's actual Dean?"

Cas sat next to me "Trust me it is Dean, me and Sam did all the tests"

I looked at Dean who was bandaged up

"Alright fine" I stood up and started towards my room to pack for our next case

Dean cleared his throat "Don't I at least get a hug?"

I chuckled and turned around giving him a hug "You happy?"

"No" He pouted "Guys" He cooed

"Oh no"

Sam and Cas came over and joined in squishing me like a bug

"Damnit guys"


"Okay so what are we hunting?" Cas asked

"Not sure" I paused my music "It could either be a nest of Vamps, Werewolves, demons  or even a shape shifter"

"How come you don't know what it is, you usually know these things" Cas was just as confused as we were

Sam looked back "Yes well the last victims were all killed in different ways but their all linked somehow

"Maybe it's all four working together?" Cas asked

Dean shook his head "I don't think so, that doesn't happen"


Holy shit Cas was right it was all four Cas had the shape shifter, Sam had the warewolf , Dean had the Vamp and I was stuck with the demon, I ran into another room because dumbass me forgot to bring holy water and Dean had the demon blade

"Come on out Skylar, I won't hurt you... oh who am I kidding" He laughed, I kept my back against the wall trying to steady my breathing

Once I heard him leave I got out my phone and texted Dean

You Forgot to give me the damn demon blade before you took off!

He texted back


I rolled my eyes decided to make my way around the demon to meet with Dean, Sam and Cas

I made my way down a hallway when something pushed me into a room closing and locking the door behind me "Let me out of here!" I banged on the steal door, Soon I started flying across the room hiting the walls, ceiling and floor "Damnit" I mumbled

I looked up and saw the damn demon "Having fun you prick?"

He shook his head "No not really" He moved closer towards me "Maybe this will do the trick"

I started screaming in agony as my insides were being ripped apart, Blood coming out of my nose and eyes "Fuck you!" I screamed out

The demon just had a grin on his face but it soon faded once he was stabbed, He fell onto the floor.. I never heard the door open, I fell onto the floor as well and let out a groan in pain

"Hey you alright?" Dean asked, he cupped my cheeks and tried to clean the blood off my chin

I went to move but I still hurt like hell "No.. No I'm not" Blood ran down my chin as it came out of my mouth

Dean looked at Cas "Cas what's going on?, Shouldn't she be alright by now.. I mean we did kill the damn thing!"

"I've never seen this" He walked over, he tried healing me but it was no use

"C'mon Cas heal her!" Dean shouted

"You don't think I'm trying too!" Cas shouted back, he then looked at me "I can at least stop most of the bleeding but we'll have to take a look at you back at the bunker"

I nodded and Dean picked me up and carried me to the car


I laid down on  not very comfortable table with sheets over it as I continued to bleed but not rapidly

"So what's wrong?" Dean asked as Cas looked at my wound

"That's the thing I'm still not sure" Cas sighed "Might have to" Dean cut him off

"No.. Not him, anyone but him"

I looked at them "Who?"

soon Crowley popped in "You called?" He had a shity grin on his face

"We need your help" Cas walked towards him

"And why is that?"

"Because of a little demon of yours" Dean wasn't too happy and neither was I, I then groaned as the pain grew larger

"Guys.." Sam tried getting their attention but they wouldn't listen "Guys!

They all looked over just as I started screaming once again

"Do something now!" Dean shouted

"Alright" Crowley walked over "I'll need your helped" He looked at Sam and Dean, he then looked at Cas "You'll have to put her out"


"I said you'll have to put her out you know as in Knock her out!"

"But I can't do that" Cas panicked a bit

"Hold on" Sam ran out of the room but quickly came back "We have this" I couldn't see what had

"That'll work" Crowley sighed "really wanted to do it myself but fine"

Sam walked over and put a mask over my face "Sammy?"

"It's alright, you'll be fine" he gave a small smile, I nodded and soon everything went black.

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