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Skylar's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, I had the same Nightmare about Dean but I couldn't remember what exactly what happened which pissed me off

I stood up and walked into the other room, Dean and Sam were sound asleep, We were still at Bobby's and might be for a few more days, I actually think Bobby might be getting sick and tired of us cause we've been here for a week now

I heard footsteps behind me "Can't sleep huh?"

I shook my head, I turned to face Bobby "Yeah , me neither" we both walked over to the table, Bobby reached in the fridge and got out two beers

"Bobby.." I looked at him

"Don't worry I won't tell" He winked, I chuckled and popped the cap and took a drink "Felling any better?"

I nodded "Little, still wondering what the hell Dean did though" I looked at him

"Me too, he's such a damn idjit" He drank his beer

"Got that right" I chuckled "But he's my Idjit"


"Sure you don't wanna stay another day?" wow I was wrong Bobby actually liked having us around

"No I think we're good" Sam put his hands in his jacket pockets, I closed the trunk on the impala

"Call me if something happens" Bobby smiled

"Will do" I grinned, he hugged the three of us and we headed off


"So where we going?" Sam asked, me and Dean glanced at each other

"You just came back from a accident and you wanna get out there already?" Dean looked at Sam

"Yeah" Sam nodded "And besides, Sky was back on the road within a day after the car accident" He looked at me

"Because I was fully recovered" I looked at him

"Well so am I" He got snippy with me

"Sammy, I don't think you are"

"Oh You don't think I am?!" Sam raised his voice at me, he never raised his voice at me "I know how I feel Skylar!"

"Sam calm down" Dean looked at him

"No Dean, I'm completely fine Skylar just needs to mind her own damn business" He yelled even louder, I brought my knees to my chest, trying not to let a sob out

"Sam!" Dean screamed

There was a loud ringing in my head and I screamed, I felt the car pull over, I looked up and Dean was screaming at me but I couldn't hear him, not at all, Soon my vision became a blur and all I could see was a little girl, about to jump into water "Do it" Another little girl stood beside her "We can be together forever" They both smiled and jumped

"Skylar?" Dean shook me, I looked at him

"We need to go" I gulped the lump in my throat

"Just tell us what happened?" Sam Asked, I wanted to talk back for him yelling at me but I kept my mouth shut

"I'll explain on the way"


"Here, here, here" I rapidly hit Dean's shoulder, he pulled over and I ran out of the car and over to the greenhouse looking building, I pulled the doors open and didn't see anything "Where the hell is she?"

Dean and Sam ran in, catching their breath "Shit Sky Slow down" Dean huffed

"I don't understand she should be right here" I pointed at the ground

"Maybe your vision was wrong?" Sam sighed standing back up

"Their Never Wrong Sam" I looked at him, soon the doors slammed shut "No, no no" I went over and tried pulling but they were locked, I turned back around and we were all thrown to walls

"Fuck" I mumbled

"I see you fell into my trap" I looked over and Yellow eyes stood there

"Trap?" Sam asked

"Yes the whole little girl jumping into the water thing" He walked over to me "All me" He grinned

"And it's good to see you again Sammy" He turned around "Shouldn't you be oh I don't know..... Dead"

"You leave him out of this" I growled, Yellow eyes turned back to me

"Fine" He glanced over at Dean "I'll just have my fun elsewhere"

Dean started screaming, I knew the pain he was feeling all too well

"Stop it!" I yelled, Dean kept screaming "I said Stop!' I yelled even louder, Dean's head hung low

"Getting a little pissy are we?" yellow eyes grinned, he turned to Sam "Choose"

"What?" Sam asked in disbelief

Dean started screaming in pain again "Dean!" I screamed, soon I was lifted over the water

"Choose Sammy, Either Dean or Skylar, Chose who dies and who lives"

Sam just looked at both of us, He couldn't choose, he cared for us both way too much

"If you don't choose within ten seconds I'll choose for you" Yellow eyes growled

"Me" Sam looked at him

"Sammy Don't!" Dean yelled. Yellow eyes started laughing, He looked at me and vanished, Sam and Dean fell to the ground and groaned

I looked down and saw the water coming closer "Skylar!"

Dean's POV

She fell into the water and quickly sank, me and Sam jumped in, it was dark even with the sunlight, we both swam deeper and deeper

Soon I felt something and pulled it up, I made sure Skylar''s head was above water, Sam helped her onto the ledge, she was pale and wasn't breathing

"C'mon Sky" I started doing CPR. she wasn't responding, My heart started racing "C'mon Damnit!"

Soon she started coughing, She sat up and coughed up some water "Fuck!"

"Sky!" I yelled

"Oh shut up!" She rolled her eyes "C'mon I need to change" She stood up and walked over to the doors

"Hurry up I'm wet " She groaned

"Please don't say that" I held my hand up, she shrugged and walked back to the car

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