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"Dean!"I cried "Dean snap out of it!"

He looked at me, his eyes were black "Oh Dean isn't in here anymore"

He moved his hand making me fly Into the wall, Sam laid on the ground shaking his head trying to snap back to reality

Dean started walking over but stopped "get out of me you son of a bitch!" He then snapped back "No can do" he started towards me again

He grabbed me by the throat squeezing hard, no air coming in out out of my lungs, I could feel my face turning blue

Dean tilted his head "You know this is fun, making Dean kill his own family" he grinned, Black Dots started filling my vision

"Hey!" Sam yelled

Dean turned around and Cas grabbed him making Dean drop me, I started gasping for air

Sam hurried and draged me away, dean syartes screaming while Cas exercised the demon

"Hey" Sam cupped my cheeks "You alright?"

I gave a small nod, Sam wrapped his arms around me and helped me up


Me and Sam sat outside while Cas handled Dean, soon the door opened up and arms were wrapped around me again

"I'm sorry" Dean kept repeating

"Its okay, it wasn't you Dean, it was a demon I understand"

"But he... I could've killed you"

I shrugged "But He didn't"

"Came close though" he mumbled

"Okay" I stood up and dusted myself off "how about we go take our mind off of this.. all of this"

"How?" Sam asked

"Food" I walled over to Baby "well are you guys coming or what?"

They all looked at each other and chuckled

"That's my boys, now C'mon"


We sat around having dessert when Dean started making a weird Moaning sound, I looked over and he had pie and ice cream all over his face

"Seriously?" I chuckled

He looked at me mouth full of pie "what?"

I raised my hands "nothing"

"So get this" Sam spoke up, not looking away from his phone "man disappears out of thin air"

"So?" Dean raised an eyebrow

"I don't know sounds like we can maybe look into it, it says he went out to the woods"

I scuffed and rolled my eyes "typical horror film"

Sam glanced at me "Anyways, he went into the woods for a annual christmas hunting trip with his son, they both were set at camp and his son said he turned around for a second and just like that his father was gone, he said he thought it was a prank like always but when he found blood he knew it couldn't have been a prank"

"How long has he been missing?" I took a bite of my cake and ice cream

Sam squinted his eyes "a week now"

"Well"I stood up "better get packing then"


"Damn this cold weather" I groaned, I looked over at Cas who didn't seemed to be bothered by the cold "Cas.. how are you not freezing your ass off?"

"Why should I be cold?" He tilted his head "cause I can be cold"

I held my finger up "Okay just never mind"

Soon we made it to the cabin we'd be staying at, Sam walked over and started the fire

"Oh my god yes" I walked over and sat by the fireplace "Warmth"

"Dont get too cozy" Dean walked over "Remember got a case to do"

I rolled my eyes "I know, I know" I sat there for a bit just thinking

Skylar's POV 5 years old

"When's daddy coming back?" I asked Dean

He sighed "Soon"

"But it's Christmas eve"

"I know" he then handed me a sandwich "Here eat up"

I pushed it away "I'm not hungry, save it for dad"

"Please eat Skylar" Sam walked over

"But I don't wanna"

"If you don't eat Santa won't bring you anything" Sam cooed, my eyes lit up, I hurried and took a few bites of sandwich

Dean gave Sammy a look, but it was one I didn't know, Sam gave one back

"What were those looks?" I asked

Dean shook his head "it's nothing just eat up then head off to bed"

I nodded and continued eating


I was sound asleep when I heard a noise, I slowly opened my eyes "Dean, Sammy?" I rubbed my eyes

"Morning princess" I knew that voice

"Dad!" I wrapped my arms around him

"Merry Christmas Skylar" he grinned, he then reached around his back "I got you something" he then handed me a small box

I opened it and gasped "I love it" it was a little white bear with a bright pink bow around it's neck with the initial S, I then looked over at Dean and Sam "should we wake them so they can open a gift?"

"I think they can wait for a few more hours"

Present day

I flew into a few trees, I felt a slight pain and a warm liquid running down my arm, I stood up "Son of a bitch!" Then the next thing I knew I was being dragged up the tree

"Skylar!?" I heard Sam

The vamp put his hand over my mouth "you scream and I'll rip yours and both of your brothers heads off"

"Sky where are you!?" Dean shouted, I saw the guys walk by the tree

I quickly elbowed the Vamp in the gut and he started falling backwards

"Up here!" I yelled, they looked up, just them the branch snapped and I hit the ground gasping for air as it felt like my lungs were no longer there, I coughed a few times coughing up blood

I heard the Vamp being killed and a pair of footsteps coming towards me

"Hey, hey I got you" Sam lifted my head "shit this isn't good" soon My eyes felt heavy "Hey stay awake alright"

I gave a small nod groaning in pain and coughed up more blood, Sam helped me up and took me towards Baby but before I could close to her I collapsed

"C'mon" Dean rushed over "we got ya" Both Sam and Dean helped me in baby "Cas?"

Soon Cas popped up and did his thing


As we drove back to the bunker I leaned against Sam "Hey what's this"

"What's what?" I still wasn't fully aware of anything

"This" he brought it around

"Oh my god" I smiled and took the bear into my arms "I thought I lost this year's ago"

Sam chuckled "Guess you could say it was a Christmas miracle"

"Yeah guess so"

Sorry shity chapter but felt like I needed to update so here it is

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