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It's been a few days since dad died, we were staying at Bobby's so Dean could work on the car, he's been working on it non
stop since we got here, Dean's also the one who took dad's death the hardest, no matter what we do he just won't eat, sleep or even talk to us.. well barely

I decided to go for a walk around the little area around Bobby's just get some air and get my mind off things "What are you doing out here?" I turned to see Dean standing there

"Just getting some air" I shrugged, he looked at me with a eyebrow raised "What you don't believe me?"

"I do but you're known for wandering off sometimes" he acted pissed towards me, he turned around and started on the car again

"I'm not going to wander off Dean" I rolled my eyes

"Oh yeah?" He got out and walked over to me "That's what you said last time" He growled

"Well I'm not" I raised my voice a bit

"Don't you raise you're tone with me" He pointed his finger at me

"Dean I know you're angry but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!" I put my arms out

"Don't tell me how I feel" He was getting even more pissed

"Dean.. I'm angry too, I'm angry, Depressed just every which way upset" My lip quivered, I was telling the truth
"I know losing dad is burning a hole inside of you, but how do you think I feel?, I feel absolutely lost Dean, and knowing the fact I could lose someone else that I love Fucking kills me"

He turned towards me

"After losing dad, I don't know what I would do If I lost you or Sam, Hell even Bobby Dean!" I shouted

he rubbed his face "You'd be fine"

"No I wouldn't Dean, Just thinking about it is making my Anxiety go through the roof" I started crying

Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Sam "C'mon, let's go back to the house"

Dean looked down, I knew he felt the same about losing me and Sam

"Never mind just forget it" I pushed Sam's hand away and started walking

"Skylar" Sam groaned

"I'll be back for dinner" my voice cracked a bit


It was starting to get dark, I've just been sitting in the woods, just trying to clear my mind "Guess I should head back" I stood up

as I was walking back I felt like someone was watching me, I put my hand on my gun and started looking around but nothing was there, I turned back around and I knew those eyes

"Hello, Skylar" He smirked

"No you're not real, You're not here" I backed away, I held my gun up

"Oh I'm very.. very real my dear girl"  He grinned "And that won't do you any good" He walked closer

"Stay away from me" I still held my gun up, he started walking towards me "I said Stay Away!"

Sam's POV

Dean was pacing the floor "She should be back by now"

"Dean, you upset her pretty bad, You know how she is" I stood up

Dean glanced at me, soon Bobby came in "You sure did boy" He looked at Dean

"What did I do?" Dean raised his voice

"You've been keeping her in the dark all because your angry, She is too, You're not the only one grieving!" Bobby shouted

"He's right Dean" I looked at him

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