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Skylar's POV

Ever since Sam came back from the dead Dean's been acting up, like he's not himself

"Hey hurry up and pack, we're leaving" Dean walked in

Me and Same looked at each other "But we just got here" Sam looked at Dean

"Yeah well now we're leaving" He walked out, I sighed and grabbed my bag

"C'mon" Sam patted my back  and left the room

"Damnit" I mumbled before I left, I climbed into the impala and Dean took off

"Why are we in such a rush?" Sam looked at Dean

"It's happening" he cleared his throat

"What's happening?" I leaned forward

"Yellow eyes.."

"What does this have to do with him?" Sam asked

"He's opening the gates of hell, and if he opens the gates of hell" I cut him off

"He's gonna let out all the demons " I sighed

"Yeah" Dean sighed as well, he looked at me through the rear view mirror "Why don't you get some sleep"

Was he serious?, the Apocalypse could happen at any moment and he wants me to sleep "I'm not tired"

"Skylar please..." He rubbed his face


Sam butted in "You need to Sky"

"But Sammy-" He cut me off again

"You need all the strength you can get for this fight, Remember he Wants you" He was right, Yellow eyes said he has something planed for me and Who's knows what that is, to be honest I'm terrified of whatever It is

"Fine alright but you two need to sleep too" I looked at them both

"Don't worry I'm going to take over in the next few miles" Sam looked back at me

"So go on ahead and get some shut eye" Dean glanced back at me, I nodded and leaned my back onto my folded jacket and went to sleep


I woke up and the car was parked, Dean and Sam were gone, I hurried and sat up, we were in this cemetery I realized where we were "Damnit Guys!" I yelled before I got out of the car

I walked and walked till I saw what was happening, Dean, Sam, Bobby and Ellen trying to close the Gate, I rushed over but something pulled me back, Dean looked back "Skylar!"

I hit my head on a tree which made my vision blurry, I looked up and saw those familiar eyes, I chuckled and shook my head "Shoud've known"

I was picked up by my throat, he started squeezing hard, Dean and Sam started running but they soon went flying, Dean hit his head knocking him out and Sam was in a daze

"You let them go they have nothing to do with any of this" I made out before he started squeezing even harder

"Oh but they do, their Winchesters Sweetie" He grinned

"You can kill me but just don't hurt them" I begged, he chuckled

"Not gonna happen, besides Sam would probably do the same thing Dean did just to have you back"

"Wha... What are you talking about?"

"Didn't big brother Dean tell you?" He tilted his head

"Don't listen to him!" I looked over and Dean was trying to stand up

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