If I fall

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I'm not that pretty,I'm average I guess you could say. I have rainbow hair and brown eyes, I'm 5'10, I have muscle and I guess you could say curves. Im not rich either, my parents are divorced, my mom moved on. My dad died a few years after the divorce. My name is Sofia. I'm not a nerd, nor a bad ass. I am just... okay. I'm a bit rebellious. I'm an out cast, but it was nice I actually fit in. My best friends name is Codi. She is always there for me. I used to cut but she got me out of it, (anyone out there who does self harm, stop it's not healthy it just destroys you, it's just as bad as doing drugs because trust me, you will get addicted to cutting). I could trust her with anything, you could say we were 'sistas! But ya. I used to be friends with some other girls but in the end they were just backstabbing bitches. Now I have a group of freinds that are all awsome beasts.

I always had a crush, but now I'm a single indapendant woman. that all happened because of Lucas. I had feelings for him, strong ones. He found out. He seemed to be embarrassed, he told me that I wasn't enough for him to even lo-like him.

But now all I do on the weekend is text, go and do something athletic, and sleep. I am self-conscious I used to weigh 300 pounds at the age of 8. I never got to fully burn off that fat. No matter how hard I tried. I occasionally hang out with Codi at my house. We usually FaceTime or text, we mainly talk at school. I don't like calling people, I rather anything but that. The reason why is because that's the way I found out my dad died. I was at at party with Codi, we were graduating 7th grade. My dad was on his way to pick me and Codi up. He got hit by a car, his car flipped off the over pass. That's another reason why I hate party's.

I haven't sung ever since. I listen to music, but never sing. I don't paint anymore, it just seems like all the life has gone out of me is what my mom says when I'm at home. But when I'm at school, that's a whole other story. I'm a little bitchy, and hell yeah, I'm fuckin rebellious, but the good and healthy kind I never back down from a dare. My only rule is that no one dares me to kiss anyone. My father always said, " Promise me, never kiss any random person, your first kiss has to be special, even if you are old and cranky". And now that he is dead, I keep that promise stronger.

Sometimes people ask me why I'm a bitch. No one knows about my dad except Codi, Olivia, Mike, Izzy, Maria,and my family. My whole family asked the news papers and news to not run the story that my dad died. My mom never liked attention, even though she is a famous cupcake maker in our town.





I'm walking through the school doors. BTW I'm a junior. And I've been in this crap town for practically my whole life. I almost moved away after my dad's death but we didn't have enough money. You see my dad never made a will so we just decided to not even bother.

"Hi weirdo," Codi said. grinning like idiot that she is. She is smart, even a bit more than me but I still have a reason to call her that.

"Go suck a dick would you? That will probably shut your trap for a while," I said making her frown.

"Don't frown, it'll make your face uglier!" I said trying to keep a strait face. Then she smacked me upside the head. "WHAT THE HELL?! I was joking god! Something's up your ass." I said rubbing my head.

"Well you know how I hate it when people say mean things about my appearance!" she said. with face that was clearly pissed off.

"Sorry, totally forgot that you give the same amount of shits that come out of your ass," I said trying not to smile. And that earned me another smack up side the head.

"Shut your mouth," she said with some rainbows under breath. I looked around to see if Mike was here. He would usually stand up for her.

" Okay let's get to class," I said in defeat.

" To class," Codi said in a sarcastic voice.

" Where's Mikey?" I ask, actually curious.

" I would tell you if I knew." Codi sighed, clearly disappointed that he wasn't here.




We got to class early, we sat in the back so we could talk.

" Pst... Sofia, what subject is this?" Codi asked, she was smart and all but just a wee bit mindless.

"Home room, idiot" I replied rolling my eyes. A few minuets went by and more people came. I was playing a bullshit game that was free called 'geometry dash' it was fun, but frustrating. then I heard some girly squeals and girls saying "Holyshit! A sexy beast!" or "Hi hottie". I didn't even look up I knew it was about some guy which I would probably never give two shits about.

"Umm" a deep manly voice said, "is this seat taken?"

"Dunno, Codi is this little boy worthy of sitting in that seat? Cause I guess I don't give enough shits to even decide," I said not even looking up from my phone.

" I guess so," Codi said not even glancing up from hers and then she whispered, " Shit Sofia I think you want to see who that is, he is actually really cute!". " Dude you have a boyfreind" I whispered back." I'm aware " she mutters. Looking over to her phone I see she is texting Mike.

" Whatever," I said then I finally looked up and saw, my jaw dropped, " Ummmm hi. My name is Sofia" I said. He was wearing a batman beanie, have I ever told you how much I love batman, or beanies? And then a black V-neck and dark jeans and some converse, I love converse. well I have a feeling me and this kid are gonna be good friends. He had hazel green eyes, carmel chocolatey hair and he was very lean. He was like 6'2 I was like 5'10. Yes I was a big girl.

"My name is Zachary Kummer. But you can call me Zach," he said with a smile.

" Ello govna Zachary g'day" I said with a British accent, which I can mock perfectly I might add.

" Very funny, but only my mother calls me Zachary so, could you please call me Zach?" he said chuckling.

" Okay, Zach this Codi so ya..." I said. He was nice, but what if I fall.

" OKAY! HUSH! CLASS SHUT YOUR LITTLE TRAPS!" the cranky old teacher yelled while entering the classroom.



A/N: this is my first romance novel I hope you like it so far. I'm only like 13 so I'm a young writer go easy on me chapter 2 will come out soon!!!

Live the life like no one is watching.

-sof and her amazing editor Cocobear
Pic of Sofia

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