Chapter XXV: Bun in the Oven

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I just wanted to take a couple seconds and say, I DO read your comments!

I> means play the song!

The next day at school, there were two new kids, just like Erin had said. Raelande Jo really was loud. I had asked her about her name, she shrugged and said it was unique, just like she was. I had aslo asked if she had a nickname I could call her by. She didn't. I tried calling her Rae, but she seemed offended. I introduced her to Toby and he laughed at me.

"Raelande Jo is my little sister." He told me, ruffling her hair.

"I'm going to decapitate you!" She exclaimed, trying to put her hair back into place. "You're lucky we're in school, Toby."

"Sure, R.J." He teased. 

"Don't call me that!" She complained.

"Dad does." He pointed out.

"Yeah, well only he can."

"Would you two knock it off?" Kes hissed.

We were in science class "working". I was trying not to fall asleep. Erin was making a shank out of a bunch of stuff she found in my bag. Kes was writing everything the teacher said. Raelande Jo and Toby hadn't stopped bickering since I tried introducing them.

"How did you two end up in the same class, anyway?" Erin asked offhandedly.

"Tobelion is stupid, that's how." Raelande Jo said.

"Its Toby." He growled. He sounded almost animal-like. "And I'm not stupid. I just haven't taken this class yet."

"Like I said, he's stupid."

The teacher called all of our attention. "Is there a problem back there?"

"No sir." Erin answered.

I looked over at her and she had a pen in hand, upright like she had just been taking notes. Actually, everyone was like that. They didn't look like they had just been arguing, shushing, or even talking. Even the teacher seemed confused. They had matching innocent smiles, well, except for Erin she just looked bored out of her mind and openly glared at Mr. Semler. Raelande Jo's smile was anything but innocent. It was an I'll-jump-your-bones smile, which kind of scared me. Mr. Semler was in his early twenties and most the girls that took his class had huge crushes on him. I was afraid for him, I really was.

Raelande Jo stayed after class when the bell rang. She said she had to "talk" to the teacher. No one believed her. Since it was lunch, I didn't waste any time getting ahead of everyone in line. I was starving even though my stomach was killing me. I sat with my new friends, including Iris and Bria. We were all engaged in a conversation about gym class when Raelande Jo made an appearance. Her hair was slightly messy and her sweater was haning off one shoulder. Toby dropped his head to the table, grumbling.

"How's lunch going?" She asked.

"Uninteresting." Erin said. "How did yours taste?"

"So good that I'm going back for seconds after school." An evil smile spread across her face.

"My sister is a slut." Toby muttered.

"I am not! I'm simply having fun while I'm still young. Plus, I think I'll be seeing a lot of Mr. Semler."

His head snapped up from the table. "Him?!"

Raelande Jo acted as if he hadn't spoke. "I already have our children's names planned out. They're going to be so cute." She sighed dreamily, her eye glossing over.

Bria rolled her eyes and started to strike up a conversation with Toby. She didn't like kids one bit. It was probably because her parents waited to have any more kids until she was old enough to baby sit. Whenever somsone brought up children, it just annoyed her.

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