Five Years Later

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Five Years Later

Lili POV

8th October 2022, my wedding day. Ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamed of nothing else but this special day.

As a kid my 'ideal husband' changed nearly every month or two for a while it was Leonardo Di Caprio after seeing ' Titanic' for the first time when I was eight at a friends house, from there it went to Zac Efron from 'High School Musical' because who didn't have a crush him after watching the movies and then it was Ryan Gosling because I'm sorry Noah in 'The Notebook' was everyone's ideal man after he did everything for Ally. Until it finally came to Cole, Cole Sprouse. The Disney star who became a household name alongside his twin  brother Dylan after everyone knew them either from Big Daddy, Friends or of course The Suite Life.

We met on the set of the CW's Riverdale about six years ago now which only seems like yesterday, the show wrapped up last year after a solid six seasons which was incredible for my first 'big break' in acting.

I remember the first day I ever met Cole, we didn't even exchange any words, it was the day of my audition for Riverdale. I had popped into the main Taco Bell in Los Angeles just before my audition and spotted him looking at me while I was reading my favourite book ' Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail' by Cheryl Stayed, it's more a memoir then a book but I absolutely love it to this very day, it tells the story of the author Cheryl Strayed lost her mother due to lung cancer when she was only twenty two years old and how she was never close with her family and her subsequent divorce of her husband due to her drug abuse and how she goes on the Pacific Crest Trail as a sort of pilgrimage seeking self-discovery and the resolution of her enduring grief and personal challenges.

  It is a very inspiring and motivational book as Strayed speaks about everything from family, marriage and her heroine problem and how she came to come to terms that she had an addiction problem and that it needed to be sorted, I had read the book several times already but still loved it. It was the book I would read if I was ever feeling down.

Being in LA can be scary at times as it is a very built up are and full of A-list celebrities compared to my hometown Bay Village in Ohio , so you can imagine my surprise when I saw Cole Sprouse glancing over at me, it wasn't until two weeks later we crossed paths again at the CW offices as he was chosen to play Jughead Jones and I Betty Cooper for CW version of the Archie Comics new show 'Riverdale'. It is kinda sad to think its all over now, I had an absolute blast filming the show in Vancouver and made some friends for life, some are which are even coming today.

Myself and Cole's romance has been magical. I still remember the day he proposed the seventeenth September 2017, the best day of twenty six year old life, well so far anyway. Thinking back now he seemed very nervous and agitated to make sure the day would run smoothly, I didn't see it coming at all, I remember when we had finished our romantic picnic I was just admiring the views around us and wanted Cole to join me but I still remained facing the other direction not seeing what he was doing, I think he said he was getting his camera out or something so when he asked me to turn around, I was shocked.

He was down on one knee, his righthand placed underneath his left with a small red box and a the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. A silver band with a dainty but absolutely marvellous diamond in the centre. I remember screaming and kissing him all over not giving him an answer, I remember him speaking in a subtle whisper,

"Will you Lili Pauline Reinhart, make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

When I stopped kissing him and giving him my answer, I began to cry, happy tears of course, I wiped my tears away as he pulled me close, kissing one another, all I can do is think about is how lucky I am to have him in my life, he has made me understand how wonderful life can be, shown me so many fantastic places and done so many incredible things for me.

I'm sitting in the hotel room relaxing gazing into the mirror just after getting my hair and makeup done for this special day ahead, I'm gazing around the room , my mom and two sisters are all here too asking me questions like am I nervous, am I excited or perhaps both but truthfully I've never felt better, one of the many reasons I love Cole is how charismatic and compassionate he is, not just for his family and myself but to fans, he is one of very few people I know who every time a fan comes up and asks for a photo he doesn't lose it he remains and collected and interacts with them asking them their names and how they are. This might seem like a simple thing to do but some celebrities can be so rude and ignore fans when they see them.

I hear a knock at the door, its Dylan.

"Wow Lili, you look amazing!" He says.

"Thanks Dylan, how's Cole doing?" I ask wondering how my man is.

" Em... He's doing great" Dylan replies sounding suspicious.

" What do you mean Dylan, he's doing 'great'?" I ask begin to fret.

"Oh sorry he's fine, he's just a bit nervous that's all." He replies.

"Oh ok, you sure he doesn't need anything?" I say ,I'm still not convinced he's okay.

"Relax Lili, he just really loves you that's all," he says as I begin to relax. "You ready to go? He continues.

I head out the door, my mom and sisters following, as we walk down to the room we have hired for the day, we walk past Damon Baker one of closet friends and our personal photographer for the day I thank him once more for doing this for us.

"Anything for my favourite couple," he grins.

I meet my dad just before the doors of the hotel chapel, he's been crying, I kiss him softly on the cheek. He dries his tears,
"You ready Princess?" He asks as I begin to well up myself.

"As ready as I will ever be" I reply as the doors open and the bridal chorus begins...

Hey guys L here! You guys asked for it so here it is this is the first chapter of my Sprousehart fan fic sequel! If you haven't read my first one , read it first. It's called Falling in Love anyway hope you enjoy this one as much as you seemed to enjoy the previous.
Lots of love
L ❤️

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