chapter 24❤

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I sat down looking through my book in class,mrs green has cancelled our suspension but we refused to tell her the reason why we fought she said she's gonna call my dad and I think she's serious but I will try to explain to my dad later after all I don't lie to him .

"Bainca" someone called ,I looked up to see Ronan looking down at me ,I didn't say anything so he sat on the vacant sit In front of me .

"...what are you doing? He asked.

" reading.... " I say curtly.

"You know... You dont have to feel bad about what Happened earlier,everyone said Kate hit you first " Ronan said .

I looked up at him after closing my book .

"Yeah ...I know,but I kind of feel worried for Kate what's her family gonna say about this ...." I said .

Truly i'm worried about her,i wonder what she will tell her parents once they ask .

Ronan chuckled and I looked at him frowning,why is he chuckling

"What's funny ? I aksed .

"Sorry bainca...but shouldn't you be worried about what your dad might do or say ?" He asked .

I smiled .
"Of course not ,my dad will understand once I tell him " I replied.
"Wow! ....i'm you mean your dad won't nag at you about this , especially once he finds out it's about Timmy ? " He asked .

Well I didn't tell Ronan Timmy and me stay together and also if our family are friends.

"No....he won't ...maybe a little" I replied and he chuckled.

"You know we should be solving maths now so drop this and bring out the last assignment I gave you " he said and I smiled at him .

I opened my bag and brought out my book and handed it to him .
He opened and started scanning through it then he smiled .

"Wow got the answer correct...your really improving" he said.

I blushed .
"So what about number two ? "I asked he looked at it .

"You also got it ....but why did you use long method...your really something else" he replied and chuckled.

"Hope I didn't miss anything?" I asked to be sure.

" Apart from the number 7 there's supposed to be a decimal point before it " Ronan explained and I look into the book .

"But the figures are correct right ?" I asked .
"Yap" he replied.

"So since I got the will need to get me something" I said .

"Something like ? He asked his lips lifting up into a grin.

I placed my thumb on my lips like i'm thinking.

"You have to get me vanilla ice cream right now " I said.

His eyes popped out .
"Vanilla?" He asked .

"Yap ....right now " I said.

He stood up and quickly rushed to the door I laughed but he came back .

"What type ? He asked .
"Chocolate...and you have 50 seconds" I said .

"Alright Bianca...." He ran out and I laughed.

"Bainca..." Someone called I turned to see Trisha smiling at me ,she sat on the desk Infront of me .

"Ronan is a cool guy you know" she said .

I looked at her suspiciously.
"Do you like him ? I aksed .

She looked surprised at my question.
"Yes .I like him....but not like the way you mean tho...." She replied.rolling her eyes ,I Chuckled..

"Well he's cool too ...and I know...." I replied.

"Bainca...umm... please don't get this wrong but ....I have to tell you something....I don't think it's right the way your being close to Ro........"just then Ronan came with the ice cream.

"Did I pass the seconds? He asked breathing so fast I Chuckled.

"I don't know...I wasn't counting" I replied collecting the ice cream ...trisha was laughing.

"Alright then " Ronan said and left .

I turned back to Trisha .
"You were saying something? I aksed tri....

"U-uh...yap....I was saying that.... Timmy really likes you bian ......

"I don't want to hear it " I cut her off .

"Babianca can you just listen to me ?"She asked .

I stare at her .
"I know you think you hate him but honestly i think you both do like each other ....." She said I try to talk but she beat me to it .

"No.. bainca let me finish,...Timmy gets mad easily each time he sees you with Ronan ,...i'm not saying Ronan is a bad person infact he's very nice ....but I think its time you try to understand Timmy ..... that guy doesn't hate you ... seriously B" she said .

Why is she saying all this she seem serious about it .

"how sure are you ? I asked .

"I over heard Timmy and Ronan talking the other day ....and Timmy was warning him to stay within his limit and he doesn't like him being around you ...he was also angry that Ronan asked you out on a date ....and he even swore to fight Ronan if he over steps his boundaries near you again .......not only that ....I also over heard him before that pool day talking to his friends...he said he didn't mean to call you a whore that it slipped and that's why he couldn't take it back cause he was so mad at you for going out with Ronan. .....but Bruno told him to pretend like he didn't care ....that's it Babianca....Timmy is really jealous...if you search his character you will understand it ....." She says.

Did Timmy do all this ....,I know Trisha can't lie to me shes my best friend....she must be saying the truth ,but why can't I believe it last-night he had called Lara and he said he's dating her so why would he be jealous....

"Tri....I seriously i'm confused....Timmy is acting weird....the day I went out on a date he told me he liked it and he didn't care if I date Ronan and that Kate spend time with him ....then last-night i saw him in the kitchen Making call and he told me he's talking to lara...that fish girl I told you about ....he said they are both dating.....Tri ...the truth is ....I really felt bad ....and I don't know why " I replied.

Yes ...I was really hurt even untill now ....I still feel the pain ,if he likes me he won't hurt me the way he did last-night.

"B...." Tri called taking my hand ,my face was already sad .

" get jealous right ...each time he talks about another girl ? Tri asked .

"Yes..." I admitted.

"B....the truth is've fallen for T" she says.

"No way "I Chuckled and she just stared at me seriously  " look Tri, You could just say T just Loves my trouble, I mean he enjoys it a whole lot, and I think it disgust me because his a arrogant jackass, But love ,?" I shook my head in disbelief" I doubt it " I replied.

"Trust me Bianca you both are just enjoying creating troubles for   yourselves"he said and stare at her speechless.        

Could it be true ....

I'm inlove with T?

Have I really falling for him?

I stare at Trisha quietly,i didn't expect her to say this .

"I don't believe you "I whispered


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