chapter 8❤

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I picked my hair brush and stoned it on my mirror it shattered into million pieces,right now i'm in my bedroom and i'm so upset with what T did ,did he want to blind me ?,I sat down on my bed thinking of what next to do that will hurt him then my bedroom door opened and my dad rushed In.

"Oh my world... princess what's all this mess around? Dad asked looking at me .

Oh ! How do I get myself out of this mess now .

"Well dad mistakenly broke " I lied .
Dad rush towards me to check my body .

"Are you cut anywhere? He asked worriedly.

"No dad " I replied.

When it comes to caring my dad doesn't joke around with me i'm his number one priority and I love him so much and I always respect his decisions.

"Alright princess" he said and sat beside me on the bed .

"You look worried" he said .

"Yes dad ...i'm so worried and you know what ...i'm also furious" I said angrily.

My dad raised an eyebrow at me .
"Who got you furious,cause I know the mirror didn't break by its self " dad says letting me know he knew i broke the mirror.

"Well it's just some douchebags in school messing around with me ,i'm so thinking of a revenge to make them pay for ever messing with me " I said all in one breathe
"Cool down woman ...tell me who are the morons that try to mess with my Babianca? Dad asked and I chuckle when he said morons .

"Dad don't need to worry about them,cause this plan i'm plotting will make them so embarrassed" I giggled.

"Oh ! ... princess I need you to be careful,the last time you had a fight in school over there in America we were over so many cases , African kids ain't the same you know" dad said .

"Of course I know, and i'm not afraid of them ,and besides i'm also part of Africa cause mom is from her before you both got married" I said .

Yes my dad is American while mom is African,dad had said mom is the best friend to Timmy's mom whom is Amanda and it's through her he knew mom ,cause T's mom and dad are highschool friends , before Timmy's mom came back to Africa and later met and fell in love with a man before she got pregnant of Timmy,by then dad was in Africa and he met mom and aunt Amanda in a business meeting from there he fell for mom and the following year mom was pregnant of me so he quickly married her,after then we moved to America ,I've spent all my life in America untill mom died I came back just last year then I started schooling here cause dad said he needed to spend sometime in African when i'm done with highschool here then I will do my college in London..isn't that amazing?

Back to present
"But princess I don't want any one to lay a hand on you so be careful okay ."dad said .

"Sure thing dad the way ,it's high time you try to get a decent woman and marry " I said .

Since moms death dad hasn't glance at any woman ,I feel lonely I want to have siblings.

"I really want siblings you know, your still young 43 isnt old dad" I said .

"Princess I thought we talked about this before,and besides you won't respect a stepmom" he said .

"Well if your planning on marrying that Tina then remain single " I said angrily.

Yes Tina is my dad's secretary in his company over there in America,i hate that woman so much I have a feeling she's into my dad cause of his money.

"Why do you hate Tina so much princess? Dad asked .

"You know why dad,i shouldn't be repeating myself" I said and folded my arms .

"Princess,tina isn't what you think she is believe me " dad said .

"She's blinding you dad ,I have a feeling she's only bent on having you cause of your money" I rebuke .

"But she likes you " dad said .
"But I don't like her ,c'mon dad if you want to marry her then it's okay but I won't attend the wedding" I said truthfully.

"hey princess ..... C'mon " dad pulled me to him "don't get mad at me princess, you know how much i hate it when my princess gets mad at me " dad kissing my forehead.

"So you won't right ? I asked with my puppy eyes.

He just shrugged his shoulders.
"Dad..I need you to investigate her " I said dad looked at me like I've grown two heads .

"Princess why ? He asked .

"Simple to know if she's really want you want ,look i might be 17 but I know alot about relationships dad " I said .

Dad stare at me for a while.

"Well your soon too be 18 in less than two months i'm not surprised" dad said .

"So are you doing the investigation? I asked .

"Sure princess you might be right ,I seriously hope your thoughts about her isn't true cause I will murder her " dad said and I laughed.

He chuckled.

"So princess are you sure you don't want to tell me about does douchebags? Dad asked .

"Dad i'm old enough to deal with it myself,its a teenage affair your already so old not in the sense of like old ,but your no more a teenager so let me do what I want myself" I replied.

Dad chuckled and shook his head .

"Princess In case they try anything funny let me know okay so i can plug out there eyes and feed it to the vultures" dad said and I laughed .

Oh dad you won't be able to feed one person's eyes to the vultures cause your best friends son is among the douchebags...
I thought and I laughed at myself.

"Oh dad ...your my savior" I hugged him he kissed my hair .

"Always princess.... always, let me go call Mars and tell him to begin the investigation" he said getting up .

"Alright dad...I just hope she's pure ,I can learn to love her from there" I said .

"Yes princess I hope so " he said .

"Goodnight princess love you " he said .

"Night too dad love you too"I said

He walked out if the door and I went to bed i said my prayers and let the darkness consume me .

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