chapter 7❤

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School took another 3 hours again we will be closing soon ,Mr Ramsey our maths teacher gave us a class work gosh I was really sweating badly ,I try to get the answer but it's so hard ,I hate maths i'm good at other subjects but maths it's my weak point in education,but I do score good grades in it though .

After he left the class with Janet the school class captain,i head into the washroom to make sure my face is okay due to the sweat .

I brought out my face foundation from my bag ,I needed to give my face a light touch after washing my face with the water I cleaned my face with my hand towel then applied the foundation on my face little ,I took my perf and spray a little and gently touch my face in the mirror,good with my look I walked out back to the classroom, everyone was busy doing their work Timmy looked at me and smirked his friends did the same ,I just rolled my eyes and sat back on my desk .

Mr's green walked in and started talking about our up coming sport which is three days from today and how we are going to be playing against the white House which is another school and we are the red but it's only for the boys though , suddenly I started feeling inchy on my face, something burning my both cheeks and my eyes was kind of on fire .

I move uncomfortable on my seat ,I try to listen to Mrs green as she talks about the sport but I wasn't okay I was feeling my face burn up  ,what's wrong with my face?

She began talking about the coach of the basket teem who would be Mr Kingleys Huffman he's from London and he's coming into Africa for the lunching and how he will spend time training the red teems which are Timmy's teem .

Suddenly I felt like my face is about to pull out ,I screamed.and started crying,everyone in class rushed towards me and mrs green has a puzzled expression.

"BIAN what's wrong ? Trisha asked worriedly.

"I don't. face's burning..," I cried out.

"...hey let me see" Mrs Green try to look at my face .

"Try and follow me " she held my hand taking me out of the class.

My eyes was closed throughout,someone added pepper into my foundation i'm sure it's Timmy and co ...I knew they will get back at me ,but wasn't this too much ,was he trying to ruin my face or blind me .

I don't know where Mrs Green was taking me too but I never stopped crying.i could feel all the students were already looking at me I could hear some whispering and some laughing,some where concerned.

"Get me the soup quickly" Mrs Green shouted and soon she bent me over a sink and started Washing my face .

"It still hurts" I cried harder.
"Just calm down bainca " she continued.

After what seem to be an hour I felt my face getting better but it was still sore I could still feel the tingle there ,gosh Timmy really got back at me badly ,how could he do this too me ?

I sat down quietly on the chair Trisha was beside me .

"What really happened to you bainca? Mrs Green asked .

"I...I really don't know, just started" I replied.

"Are you sure ? She asked .
I looked and saw Timmy and his friends they where all quite and they were looking at me with a pity expression,as if they ain't responsible they are suddenly pretending to care especially Timmy whos eyes looked sad .

"Yes Mrs Green" I replied moving my eyes away from them.

"Will you be able to drive home ,your face isn't bright at all ,and it seems your still feeling a little tingle on your face right ?"She asked .

"A little Mrs Green.... Trisha will drive me home " I replied.

"I will do that Mrs Green" Trisha confirmed.

"Alright, you should go home now ,you kind of look peal " she touched me and I nodded then stood up Trisha carried my bag , before walking out of the class I turned to look at Timmy and his friends,Timmy suddenly smirked and the rest try to hide their laughter .

Don't worry Timmy and co I will get back at you guys and I will surly disgrace you guys so much that you won't know what to say or do .

But i'm kind of Wondering,how was he able to get into my bag before doing that ,then I remembered when I left the class Mr Ramsey had called me to his office and I didn't take my bag but Trisha was there how come she didn't notice them opening my bag ?

"Tri..." I called .
"Yes B" she replied.

"After I left with Mr Ramsey, did you notice Timmy taking my bag ? I asked .

"Well ,Mrs Green actually asked me to come pick the biology notes from her office and distribute to the class ,so I wasn't in class when you left " she replied.

It all made sense now ,tri wasn't in class that's why he was able to succeed with his plan ,i will so get back at you Timmy hensmith just watch and see how the school laughs at you .
I and Trisha got into my B.M.W and she drove to my house .

Timmy's p.o.v

I really felt bad seeing her cry ,I didn't know I will feel so bad after doing that ,but she made me to wash the school toilet for a whole week ,I only wanted to get back at her but I guess I really did hurt her ,I feel so bad when she started crying and she couldn't open her eyes,what was I thinking coming up with such stupid and ridiculous plan i could have  blinded her , shit ... I feel so angry at myself,cause it was all my idea ...and i'm sure I won't like Bianca's next plan ,I should get ready for the worse .

"Hey ...are you okay T? Bruno asked.

"Yap" I replied.
"You don't seem so to me ,you really looked worried for B when she was crying" ken said .

"Even I felt bad no offense" josh said looking at me .

"Yeah ...maybe we over spilled the pepper two much " ken said .

"What has happened has happened,shes gonna get back at us so we should be prepared you know Babianca Williams never back down " Bruno said .

"Yeah ...the must hardest girl I've ever come across" josh said .

"Well..I only payed her back for humiliating us Infront of the whole class and Making the whole school laugh at us ,did you forget Mr Adams announced to the assemble about the write ups isn't that why we are still cleaning the school toilets? I asked suddenly feeling upset.

Bainca really disgrace us ,and it was said in the assemble and our punishment was announced, almighty me ,Timmy hensmith washing school toilets just because of that girl Babianca Williams,gosh she's just on my neck .

"Well it's true ...hers isn't as bad as ours " Bruno said agreeing with me.

"I agree ...she deserve it" ken seethed.

"Yeah ..but it could  have had negative infect on her if we would had spilled more ,what if she would have gotten blind ,i'm sure we won't even have mouths to talk like this " josh said I could see he was upset .

"Are you kind of into her josh " ken eyed him suspiciously.

"Why ?....of course not ,i'm just stating the fact ,...can we go now ? He asked looking at us .

"Attitude" Bruno mumbled.
"Yeah whatever" josh replied and we Chuckled as we got ready to leave the school .

But I never stop thinking about Bianca's next wicked plan .

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