chapter 1❤

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This is the second time i'm opening my maths textbook ,so frustrating how do I even got myself into such mess , everything is just ruined i'm not even good at maths like that .

I told my dad I just wanted to stay in America but he said no, no ,no, bian...carry on to Africa .... argnnn dad is so annoying sometimes.

I covered my book and brought out my Iphone 7 ,yeah i'm from a rich home okay ,dad is very rich ,well mom is dead since 10 years now ,dad took care of me ,i'm babianca and an only child of my family ,I am 17 and basically in the last section of high school .

I have only one best friend, Trisha ,i'm not fat nor slim ,i'm average and sure I do have a very nice shape with my flat stomach ,i'm very beautiful, of course i'd give myself the credit , basically all the guys in my school are all crushing on me ,hhahahhahaha....isn't that amazing?

But there's this particular guy who's always on my neck ,he finds my trouble all the time ,I should start teaching him a lesson,his name is Timmy....and they do call him T.boy the school bad boy .

Argnnn especially when girls folk around him like flies ..yuk! So disgusting,all the school knows we hate each other so much ,who does he think he is ?

Getting him out of my head I called my best friend Trisha .

"Hello girl" I said into the phone.
"Ahhhhghh" she screamed
I had to pull my phone away from my ear then place it back

"Trisha have you finally gone nuts? I asked .
"No,..i'm so happy you called ,I was thinking to come to your house " she said excitedly,but why is she so excited.

"Tri...tell me ..why the happiness huh? I asked .
"Well my boyfriend got me a very beautiful necklace...gosh it's so beautiful Ahhhhhnnnn" she screamed again Making me to move the phone once again from my ear .

Well yeah tri has a boyfriend his name is Justin a very cute guy , cute without brain , sometimes he does drool over me ,I don't think tri notice but if I tell her she will know Justin isn't really a good saint as he claims and Tri and I are of the same age .

"Oh ...I see"my voice came out so bored "well ,will you stop getting mental ,what's necklace anyways ,i can get hundreds of it by the snap of my finger " I said in a durr tone.

Well off course I could ,we are very rich .
"You know bian it will be good if you keep your mouth shut " she fired .

I rolled my eyes.
"Well tri... I didn't call to listen to your dreamy story of acdamn necklace okay I need us to go shopping,i need new cloths and bags ...infact that designer shoes I saw I wanna get two of that ..I could get one for you " I said .

"Oh sure B...I will be right there ..what color of dress are you putting on? She asked .

"The pink floral gown " I said .
" ok ...pick me up at my house ...and also please bring your B.M.W..." She says.

Yeah !she really loves that car alot every one in school envy it but as usual not Timmy cause he's from a rich home too,it just looks like that dude is competing with me .I will so break his neck .

"Alright Tri...B.M.W it is " I said .
"Catcha ya later " she said and I hugged up .

Shopping here I come .

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