Chapter 32 - January 20th/February 3rd, 2018

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January 20th.

My daughter never seizes to amaze me. I was standing in the kitchen talking to Ezra. I said, “I think we should try and take Sadie and Sian to the movies this weekend. For a treat.” And Sian, who was in her room with the door open, yells “We can get popcorn while we’re there, right?!” Now, Sian’s bedroom isn’t too far away, and I wasn’t exactly talking quietly, but, Sian’s only been able to hear really loud things, or things in the room she’s in. well, of course Ezra and I freak out, run in her room and nearly sufficate her by kissing and hugging her. She can HEAR again! Well, mostly. It’s just AMAZING. I don’t exactly know how, since we took her off her meds. But like I said, God is the only one who can make her hear. And I guess he is! Sian has a hearing test in two weeks, and I’m beyond excited for it!


February 3rd.

So today I took Sian to her appointment. And in the waiting room, a nice mom smiled at me and said “Due any day now, aren’t you?” Sian looks up from her coloring book and laughs. “no! My mommy’s having triplets! And she won’t have them for a couple more months!”The moms face lights up with shock and amusement. And mine is glowing with pride that my little girl just hear her say that. “Wow!” she says sitting down next to me. “You must be so uncomfortable!”

“I am.” I say. “It’s like being full terms. Except there are six arms and six legs kicking me.“Yeah!” Sian says. “You can feel them sometimes, and it’s SOOO cool!”We talk a while longer until we’re called back. Sian got her hearing tested and guess whattt?! The doctor looked at me and said “She was deaf? I would’ve never been able to tell.” Her hearings still a little on the bad side, but the results were better than we would’ve ever hoped for. EVER! Sian’s totally ditched her hearing aid, and we even pulled her out of school to home school her. I got some of the books from the first grade teacher from the school I teach at. I’m going to get her all caught up so that she can go there in August. Yippie!

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