~ 19 ~

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"I have some... pressing news to tell you..." Aslan started slowly.

Robin frowned, but remained silent so as to let him speak.

"Your father was sick similar in a way to how you were. He, however, did not get a second chance to live." Aslan remained silent for a moment. "In your world, he shot himself, Robin."

Her breath hitched in her throat.

She gaped at him, the colour fading from her face. She gulped, but then a sense of serenity crossed her features.

"Did he quickly?"

Aslan nodded, eyes assuring her tenderly.

"What will become of me?" she asked. "I have no other family that I know of."

Aslan smiled, eyes shining. "If it becomes you, you may stay here."

"That is exactly what she shall do, then."

Robin spun around and stared at Caspian. "Thank you, Aslan," he smiled, walking towards them.

Unable to wipe the smile from her face, despite the news she just received, Robin took a deep breath and entwined her fingers in his.

The three walked back to Lucy, Edmund and Reepicheep.

The mouse looked up at the Lion. Glancing at the massive wall of water that rolled up a few feet away from them, he bowed.

"My liege," Reep began.

The Lion lifted his paw. "My country lies behind the waves." He smiled down at the mouse. "Only the worthy may pass. You, little soldier, are."

Robin watched with quiet awe as the mouse stabbed his sword into the sand at his feet and bounded towards the mass of water. A small boat emerged from the liquid and Reepicheep leapt into it.

His nose twitched as he rose over the wave and dissapeared on the other side.

Soon afterwards, the Pevensies also dissapeared from Narnia, stepping into a circular portal. Lucy gave Robin a smile and Edmund winked.

Robin looked around them and saw that Aslan had vanished.

She glanced hesitantly at Caspian. "What happens now?"

He smiled and kissed the top of her lightly bruised knuckles. "Now we go back to the Dawn Treader and back to Narnia."

Robin nodded and smiled back, taking a step towards the rowboat that still awaited them.

But Caspian stopped her, pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you for trusting me," he muttered into her hair. She smiled and pulled away, looking up at him.

For the first time she noticed that he was a head taller than her.

She froze.

Did he just - ?

He grinned at her shocked expression and pulled her towards the boat.

She allowed him, lips tingling where she was almost certain he had just kissed her.

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now