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Lucy gently closed the cabin door and walked over to Caspian. Unease rolled off of him in waves as she approached.

"She fell asleep in the closet," she told him softly. "She was whimpering a lot and her left forearm was bleeding."

Caspian frowned at this, gaze still locked on the horizon.

"There were several scars across both her arms as well," Lucy continued hesitantly.

Caspian sighed. "I catch your drift," he muttered, briefly meeting her gaze.

"I think Aslan brought her here for us to help her," the girl said. "But how can we help her if she doesn't want to live?"

Caspian shrugged, rubbing a hand across his tired face.

"We'll think of something," he said, almost as if to himself.

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Robin jerked awake, momentarily confused about where she was, then everything rushed back in a wave, crushing her beneath the surface of the icy waters.

She tumbled out of the wardrobe, coughing out water.

"That should not have happened," she heard Lucy whisper.

"On the contrary," Robin spluttered, staggering to her feet. "This happens frequently when I shower."

Not wanting to hear a reply, she edged past Lucy and walked out of the cabin.

Her back slid down the mast as she sat with her knees pulled up to her chest. She struggled to arrange her thoughts, bickering with herself over her situation, until finally settling on a recurring thought.

"I should be dead," she muttered again, suddenly feeling the urge to dive back into the water.

She stood hesitantly, walking towards the wooden beams that made two sides of the deck.

Salty air enveloped her in a warm embrace and she smiled again.

"Carry me away," she whispered almost painfully.

Then come, the water replied.

She grinned and reached down to the hazy green figure that made herself seen again.

Suddenly a knife shot through the air and buried itself in the figure's chest.

A shriek of pain echoed through the quiet air and Robin shied away, trembling at the memories the shout had brought.

A hand touched her arm, but she slapped it away, scurrying back against the mast and curling into herself. "Don't hurt me," she whimpered in a very undignified manner.

She looked up and saw the man from earlier, Caspian, look down at her. "I won't." He whispered, sitting across from her until the shaking subsided.

~ VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER ~Where stories live. Discover now