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‼trigger warning‼

"My mother died when I was born," Robin started. "Father blaimed me for the death and has abused me since I was old enough to walk."

She shuddered. "He had a new partner every week -- she almost always abused me aswell."

"Growing up like that can do terrible things to a person's mind."

Caspian was watching her closely, noticing the way her dark hair always shielded her pale eyes and the way her sleeves where always pulled down just low enough to cover the latest cuts.

Now, however, she rolled up the sleeves and allowed the scars that crisscrossed her skin to glow softly in the pale moonlight.

"I only told you the because I thought owed you an explanation to my actions," Robin said, gently steering the ship onwards and not meeting his gaze. "You need rest, Caspian. Go sleep."

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He jerked awake whith a shudder. Edmund stood above him, a cheeky grin on his face.




Lucy strode inside. "Morning," she said. "Robin is still steering."

Caspian stared. "You're joking."

"Not really, no," Lucy replied. "She looks happy now that she has something to do. Like a weight has been lifted."

She smiled again and walked back to the deck, up the steps, to Robin.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

The girl smiled, causing the cut on her lip to open again slightly. "For the first time in many years I feel happy again. I like being out on the ocean."

"It suits you," Lucy hummed.

She looked down when Edmund and Caspian emerged from the belly of the ship and waved.

Robin nodded at each in turn, giving the sword Edmund was carrying a curious glance.

Reepicheep clambered onto Robin's shoulder and Lucy saw her stare. "Well look who's out and about," he smiled. "Fancy a bit of a sword fight?"

Robin chuckled involuntary. "Me? With a sword?"

"If you want to be in battle one day," the mouse informed her, "You should learn how to fight."

"Oh, I don't think that's nec-"

Lucy gently shover her down the stairs. "There's no stopping him when he has a plan," she laughed, "Just do it!"

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