Chapter 37

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The room went quiet. No one said a word. Us guys looked at the girls. Let's see if they say anything else. Just then the girls all walked out of the room.

Mr. Shuester and Finn walked into the room as the girls were walking out. Finn looked at us and asked,

"What just happened?"

"The girls just trying to figure out about Kitty." I told them.

*Quinn's POV*

Us girls left the guys sitting there. We then all went to the auditorium to get away from the guys.

"So what are we going to do?" Brittany asked.

"Should we do what the guys said?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know. Whatever it is it must be something close to her." I said.

"I know what is going on. Kitty is just playing the guys." Nicole said leaning against the piano.

"What is it?" Rachel asked.

"Well what I am about to tell you is the rest she left our old school." Nicole said.

"Okay. Spit it out." Santana said getting impaction.

"She told her parents and me that my brother touched her in the wrong away and everything. But that is not true. She always wanted to get my brother in trouble for I don't know why. But her family believed her. They tried to get my brother in trouble." She told us.

"Are you kidding me? Why would Kitty make that kind of lie up?" Rachel asked.

"She wants to be center of attention. She loves it." Nicole told us.

"So your brother here is the victim." I said.

"Yeah. But guys Kitty is messed up in the head. I tried to help her at our old school. But she won't let me. She pushed everyone away." She told us.

"Wow. The guys are being lied to. They need to know the truth." Rachel said.

"Yeah. Come on they should still be in the glee room." I said. Then we all walked out to head back to the glee room.

*Kurt's POV*

I just stood there. I watched all the girls leave. I don't know if I believe this Nicole girl.

I instead of heading to the glee room. I went to find a certain blonde hair cheerleader.

I walked around the school until I found her in the art room. She was sitting there sketching something. I walked in to see she was drawing a beautiful sunset over a garden.

*Kitty's POV*

Even since I left glee I have been taking that time to work on my art skills. I have always loved drawing, fashion, and photography.

I was lost inside my sketch I was working on. I was sketching my favorite place. My safe place.

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