The Devil's Son Epilogue

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Yes, yes. It's the end.

I'd like to thank all of those awesome people who commented, voted and became fans! You always supported me, guys! I love you for this!!!


Even though my parents kept telling me that I didn't have to do this, my decision was made.

And as I approached the airport, with a golden cat sitting in my lap, I knew it was the good thing to do.


I can still remember the day after I've been attacked.

Lucifer, Ethan and I have gathered in Lucifer's apartment downtown.

He had sit on the couch and stared at us.


I didn't say anything; I just turned to look at Ethan.

"Tell him." he said softly.

I nodded. I had to do this. I could do this.

I turned back to look at Lucifer.

His black hair was perfect, just slightly messy. His mismatched eyes were just as bottomless as ever, his lips just as kissable as ever. They were surely soft and warm... I snapped out of my thoughts and focused back on what I was about to say.

He was looking at me with one corner of his mouth slightly upturned, in a skeptic smile.

"What is there you have to tell me?"

"We're... I mean... Ethan and I, we're going away. You know... I've got the Sight."

"She can see auras. And future. Well kind of, anyways." added Ethan, and he rested one hand on my shoulder.

"I guessed that. I knew that her ability to see must've come with some kind of price." Lucifer looked bored now. Then his eyes lightened up when he looked at Ethan. "I heard you were punished," he said with a smirk. "For bringing her back with me. So you can't be in a human form when you're around other humans than Amelie, huh? That must suck. You were the cat I saw in her arms when she entered, weren't you?"

Ethan's clenched his jaw, and I ignored Lucifer's comment. I decided to ask him the question I had in mind since I've first stepped in his apartment that day.

"I was wondering if... you would come with us."

Something flashed in Lucifer eyes, but it was gone to soon for me to identify it.

Amusement, maybe?

"You were wondering if I'll come with you, huh? You're working for them. And you want me to go with you?" he cocked an eyebrow and his smile broadened, making his dimples appear.

I knew that by 'them' he meant the Angels. The Angels of Light.


"You're going to become a Demon hunter, won't you?" he asked slowly, stretching lazily.

I shot a quick look in Ethan's direction.


"And you want me to join you?" he was openly smiling now, an amused expression on his face.

"Lucifer... I know who your mother is."

Lucifer stiffened, his smile disappearing. He narrowed his eyes, and the dark aura that surrounded him grew even blacker.

"That. Does. Not. Mean. Anything," he said menacingly.

"It does! It means that you're not all that evil!"

Lucifer shot to his feet and Ethan stepped protectively in front of me.

"You think I'd hurt her?" asked Lucifer, fury glistening in his blue eyes. "After saving her life, you think I'd hurt her?!"

Ethan didn't reply. He just stood there, blocking me from Lucifer.

"It's alright. I trust him." I said to him, resting my palm on his arm.

"You shouldn't," said Lucifer quietly. "It's probably one of the biggest mistakes you ever made."

"No. I know I can trust you." I said, searching his eyes desperately. "Come with us," I said, my voice barely a whisper. "Come with me."

He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"No. I belong there. I belong in Hell with my father."

"You know you can change that! You know there's a part of you that can love me. It may be very little... But, it's still there, Lucifer!"

He shook his head again.

"I can't."

"Please?" I murmured, my eyes filling with tears. "Please..."

Then Lucifer straightened and when he opened his eyes, they were distant and cold.

"No." His tone was resolved, unmovable.

I knew I lost him at that very moment.

A single tear ran down my cheek.

"You could've made it," I said. "I know you could have. But I guess I was wrong. I guess you never loved me."

Lucifer didn't say anything. He just nodded.

"I guess our paths are destined to part." he said calmly.

"I guess." I breathed. And then a question came to my mind. "What happened to the Demon, who, you know, attacked me?"

"Invidia was killed. And so was Leviathan, who as we found out, was Invidia's Master."

I nodded.

And with that, I took Ethan's hand and walked out of Lucifer's apartment.

At that moment, I knew I was never going to see him again. Ever.


I scratched Ethan behind his feline ears. He purred and stretched in my lap. I took the luggage from the trunk of my dad's car; I looked up at the blue sky. I don't think I'll ever grow used to the beauty of the world I live in.

After teary goodbyes with my parents, I walked straight toward my future, because whatever it was going to give me; it couldn't be as bad as what I was leaving behind.

So as I stepped into that plane, I knew that I was leaving my past behind.

That this was a new beginning.


Sequel, yes, no? Let me know.

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