I'll be your Nightingale

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{A/N: guys this is my 1st fan fic and I'm really excited about it! Leave comments for me telling me ideas and things you'd like to happen! Can't wait to see what y'all think of this!}


Paige's POV

"Get back freak!" The older girl Becca yelled and pushed by me, sending me stumbling to the side and falling into the wall against my already badly-bruised shoulder. I whimpered and sat where I fell, looking down at my lap at the small flowers on my shirt, as a tear escaped my eye. "Ha ha! Awh! The little baby is crying!" Becca taunted as her friends laughed. "You going to go cry to your mommy? No? Oh yeahhh, cause nobody likes you!" Becca teased, I just sat with my back against the wall as tears streamed down my face. Becca and her friends walked away while I sat alone silently crying and thinking to myself.

Did I do something wrong? Why does everyone hate me so much? Will anyone ever truly love me? Thinking this just made me cry harder. I got up and staggered to my small room down stairs. I laid on my bed trying to look up at the plain, pale gray, ceiling for awhile but tears blurred my vision until I finally curled up into a ball under the thin blanket and let myself sob freely.


Demi's POV

"Mar, yes I know. You will be the first to meet her. I promise. I just want to get her settled in and comfortable before people start seeing her."

"Okay Dem, I understand."

"Good," I slow down and look over on the right side of the road. There, placed somewhat far back from the road, on a good 10 acres of grassy hills, was a rather small, but decent sized orphanage building with a medium-height chain link fence surrounding the big yard. "Mar, I'll call you back later, I just got to the orphanage."

"Alright Demi! I'll be expecting pictures!" Marissa said excitedly before finally hanging up.

I had told Marissa that I was going to adopt a little girl 4 hours ago and she demanded that I immediately go out with her to shop for the little girl. I had no idea who I would adopt, but we bought her a car seat, some things to decorate her room with, stuffed animals, toys, so much stuff it was a wonder it all fit in my car. It had probably only been about 15 minutes since I saw Marissa, but she was already calling me to remind me that she would be the first to meet my soon-to-be daughter,
Like I could forget, I thought to myself and laughed as I pulled into the small gravel parking area. I got out and closed the door before I locked the car and started walking towards the building.

When I got close to the door I stepped up the few stairs. I glanced around at the pale yellow building before knocking on the door. A few seconds later a rather small lady opened the door, her moderately long grey-tinged black hair tied up in a messy bun. "Ahhhh Ms. Lovato I'm Claire," she introduced herself as she waved me in.

I stepped inside, looking around at the plain blue walls and hard wooden floor, as I followed her into what appeared to be an activity room. Coloring and picture books were scattered on a short table. In one corner was a toy box with an assortment of girl toys, in the corner opposite of that was a TV with different colored children's chairs around it, in one of the adjacent corners was a hallway that ended where stairs from upstairs and downstairs met together in a tight corner.

All of the walls were painted plain white with lots of drawings from the kids here at one side of the room was a couch with a few chairs a couple feet in front of it. I looked around at all the kids of various ages running around laughing and giggling, some watching a cartoon on TV, some drawing, some reading, they all looked like they were having fun except for one. A small girl, maybe between 2 and 4, with short blonde curly hair and amazing piercing grey eyes, sat on the floor against the wall staring down at her shirt while 4 older girls, that looked about 7-9 years old, stood around her laughing.

Before I could make my way across the room to her, the youngest girl quickly got up and left soon after the older girls walked away. I turned back to Claire and looked at her with a questioning glance. As if she read my mind she nodded and I jogged off after the small girl.

I followed the sounds of faint sobs and walked down a small flight of stairs to a closed wooden door, that led into a cold grey-stone room. I glanced around, taking in the bare walls, minus a small amount of hand-drawn pictures hanging on the wall above the girl's bed. On the small bed was a worn-out pillow, a thin worn-out blanket, and 2 stuffed animals, a bear and a rabbit that lay on either side of the bed. All I could see of the little was a small lump in the middle of the bed, quivering with sobs.

I slowly walk over to the bed and gently sit on the corner. "Hey sweetheart, could you come out and talk to me?" I asked kindly. Just about right as I said that I notice Claire at the doorway mouth I'll tell you later if you want to know. I nod and turn back to the little girl. "Little one? Could you come out so I could see you? I noticed you had very pretty eyes." As I was finishing the last couple of words the blanket started to shift as the little girl came out partially.

"You're so pretty, why would you want to hide?" I ask nicely, she looked up at me slightly then quickly looked right back down at the bed. I looked at the stuffed animal she was clutching tightly, a bird about the size of a medium-sized cat. I thought for a moment. "Can you look at me little one?" I asked with a kind smile on my face. She raised her head up slowly, looking up at me with her dazzling eyes and tear stained cheeks as she gripped her bird tighter. I can already see so much pain hidden behind her eyes, she's so young, she doesn't deserve to be hurt in anyway. I thought sadly.

She was still looking up at me and I caught something small light up in her eyes, but her facial expressions stayed the same. "Do you know who I am sweety?" I ask giving her a warm smile. After a short moment she nods slowly. I smile more and look down at her bird. "Your birdie reminds me of a nightingale, like the one in my song. Do you know my song?" She looks down at her bird then waits a minute or two before looking back up at me with a confused glance. "I could sing it to you?" I offer. She waits a little but then nods, the corners of her mouth slightly twitching like she was going to smile. I was kind of disappointed, but only slightly. I reach my arm out slowly to put it around her shoulders, but when she flinches away I settle with moving closer to her and she stays there.

"I can't sleep tonight
Wide awake and so confused
Everything's in line
But I am bruised
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I kinda need a hero
Is it you?"

I look down at her while she's staring at her bird, but intently listening as I keep singing.

"Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me
I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale"

I see her start to smile as she hugs her bird close to her neck.

"I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me
Can you be my nightingale?"

I stop singing and she looks up at me. Her smile fades when she realized I stopped. "Hey, don't be sad sweetheart. Would you like me to adopt you?" She waits a few moments then smiles at me and nods her head. I open my arms for a hug, giving her a warm and loving smile. At first she flinches back, then after a few seconds she smiles bigger and hugs me. I wrap my arms protectively around her and whisper in her ear, "I'll be your Nightingale sweety."

I'll be your NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now