Not Sure of the Outcome

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So here I was having a glaring match with this drunk old guy. While Sasuke was fuming because this guy insulted me. I could already tell this would be a long mission.

"Well why don't all of you go and get ready. Meet at the gate in 30." Kakashi instructed.

"'Kay see you guys there. Let's go Sasuke." I announced, half dragging Sasuke out. We passed Tazuna and I got a good whiff of alcohol. I wanted to kneel over and just puke my guts out, it was that bad. I held my lunch though, and continued out the door.

"I hate him." Sasuke clarifed when we were out of hearing range.

"How come?" I asked.

"He insulted you. He doesn't know why, or what your capable of." He growled.

"Yeah I know, but we'll show him." I smiled. Sasuke didn't look reassured, "If he becomes to much; we can also push him off a cliff, and say he fell." This time I nudge Sasuke with my elbow, and got a smirk out of him.

"Okay yeah, it's a deal." He agreed nudging me back.

"Race you home!" I challenged.

"Okay. Ready. Set-" Sasuke thought it was appropriate to shove me off balance, "Go!"

"Jerk!" I shouted after him, and collected myself off the ground. Then I patted off invisible dirt, and finally chased after him.

Twisting and turning, I wove my way around different buildings and people. Finally at the end of the race'; I came out on top. "In your face Sasgay!" I shouted.

"Don't call me that." He pouted.

"Aww is the big Uchiha sad he lost?" I asked, talking to him as if he were a baby.

"Shut up." He grumbled, and pushed me.

"Fine, fine. I see who can't take kidding around." I huffed.

"You do realize we still have to pack, right?" He questioned.

"Don't we all still have to pack in this world. I mean there are all these people. Who just have empty suitcases that they're just trying to fill. Am I right?" I said, trying to be philosophical.

"I think you just lost your mind." Sasuke muttered, climbing the stairs.

"Well what I've been through, I think I have every right to loose my mind." I countered.

"Don't forget to bring your toothbrush." Sasuke said, before closing his door. I simply stuck my tongue out at him, and climbed the stairs to my room.

I looked around my purple room. I had clothes strewn across the floor, and my hairbrush was in one of the piles of hair care items. I'm not obsessed with my hair, but I like it. It's raven like Sasuke's and only comes to my shoulders. It only goes to my shoulders when it's down, but I mostly keep it up in a ponytail.

I found an over the shoulder bag, and started picking up clothes. The ones that smelt weird I put in one pile, and the ones that were okay I put in the bag. Next I went over to the one clean corner of my room, this corner was turquoise, and picked out some weapons. I'm not a big fan of close range fighting since there is always the possibility of me being hit in the chest area. The chest area is basically my gut, rib cage, and around my heart.

I chose my bow, and grabbed a sheath of arrows, and some shiruken. This one corner of my room was clean because I didn't want to lose my foot if I ever stepped on a weapon.

By the time I had everything I needed which included bandages, weapons, clothes, toilers, and my medication; I came out of my room. Sasuke was already at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. "What took you so long?" Sasuke asked.

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