Dish Time Story

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Since I’ve started trying to speak more and be more “inviting” as Sasuke would put it, I have been talking a lot more.  Now at home Sasuke and I have civil conversations and actually ask each other how the other’s day has been.  Not that there was really much need to talk about our day, we were on the same team. 

As of right now, I was not sure how I felt about the evening chats.  I could live with them or without them.  Neither thought really resulted in me feeling anything.  Even as bad as it sounds, I would probably be okay if Sasuke and I never talked again, for now.  I am working on it.  Sasuke on the other hand loves that I am trying to let him in on my life.   He will not say he likes it, or admit that he slightly grins.  But it does not matter, I can see it and I know.  Sasuke right now is one of the only people who I can really put an emotional connection too.  Though I am not sure if it is my actual emotions or if it is just what I think a sister should feel for a brother.

“I was attacked earlier.” Sasuke mentioned as we started cleaning up the mess from dinner.  I paused in picking up an empty glass and thought about how I should react to the news.  Should I be shocked and surprised?  Should I be angry and demand to know who it was?  Both of those options seemed fake though, I figured that the same thing happened to Sasuke and probably all the rookie genin as well.  I also knew who attacked all of us, so which should I do.

Apparently, I had zoned out when I had been debating which kind of reaction I should give to him.  “Are you going to say anything or just stand there?” Sasuke asked after he finished snapping his fingers in front of my nose.

“That is nice.” I answered generically, not haven been given the time to formulate my actual response.

“Eiko,” Sasuke sighed, looking exhausted all of a sudden, but also slightly amused, “You don’t have to think about the perfect answer.  Just say what comes to mind and go with it.”

“How am I supposed to know the correct response, then?” I questioned, not quite understanding the meaning “go with it”.

Sasuke simply sighed, “Eiko conversations aren’t math equations.  They’re really not any rights or wrongs.”

To prove Sasuke wrong and point out that in fact you could say the wrong thing I said, “So when someone’s dog just died, it is okay to ask if I could have the dead body?”

The look on Sasuke’s face was almost enough for a small smirk to form.  I almost even let out a small laugh, almost.  “Why would you want a dead animal?” Was the only thing Sasuke could manage to get out.

“I do not” I shrugged.  “I only wanted to prove you wrong and show that you could say the wrong thing.”

This time Sasuke was slightly annoyed. “In most conversations, you don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing.”  After a slight pause Sasuke suggested, “Let’s start again-I was attacked today.”

Just going with what I had been thinking earlier I blurted, “Yes I figured.”

“Yeah, but I’m-“Sasuke cut himself off, “You figured?”

“Yes.” I answered with my back to him.  I had got back on track and was now washing the dishes that Sasuke and I had piled into the sink, “I was ‘attacked’ too.”

“Why’d you say it like that?” Sasuke questioned.

“Like how?” I pondered.

“You made it sound as if it weren’t really an attack…do you know something?”


“Do you want to elaborate?” Sasuke piped, peculiar annoyance hinting in his voice.

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