Sand Shinobi

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When I walked through the door, Sasuke wasn’t there.  Not just in ‘waiting in the living room to see I’m okay’ there.  No.  It was more of a ‘not home at all because I don’t care if my sister is dead or not’ there.  Well that last part was a lie.  But the thing about Sasuke being home wasn’t.

I wandered around our small living room for a couple seconds until I went into the kitchen to see if he left a note.  Nope.  I had no idea where Sasuke was and I had the house to myself.  “Cool,” I said to the open air, “I can do anything I want.”

Opening the fridge, I browed the selves for whip cream to eat.  Unfortunately, we didn’t have any.  “Well there goes that plan.” I grumbled and huffed my way back into the living room.  I plopped my lazy butt on the couch and stared at the blank TV screen for a couple minutes until I got bored of that.

“Guess I’m going out.” I announced, sliding into my shoes once more.  I grabbed a light jacket before I left the house completely.  Even though I felt so much better, I still felt a slight chill.  Maybe I should just take it easy.  “Yeah.” I decided stepping outside.  I’d just walk to the store, buy the whip cream, and then relax and settle down at home.  That sounded nice.

Still curious to where my team could me, I meandered my way through the crowds of villagers.  Everyone just seemed to get in my way whenever I wanted to walk past them.  Excuse me’s didn’t seem to work either.  Just everywhere I stepped there were people.  I was getting irritated with it, but kept it down and continued to weakly shove my way through.

Finally, when I was about to lose it, I made it to the front of my favorite convenient store.  Inside, it wasn’t nearly as crowed as the streets had been.  For that, I was eternally grateful.  In the back of the store, I found my whip cream.  Back there, ice-cream also tempted me with its frozen delicateness. 

When I got to the front of the store to buy my one item, the clerk looked at me strangely.  “This all?” She asked.

“No, I must’ve forgotten to grab everything from my trip to the back up to the front.” I replied.

“I was just asking.” The young women huffed.

“I was just replying.” I responded, handing her my bill.  If looks could kill, I’d at least be hospitalized, it was pretty pathetic.  Taking my bag, I gave her my best fake smile which caused her face to heat to look like a cherry.

Her growl made me a smirk form as I turned away.  It was a satisfaction I always felt in these situations.  Does that make me a bad person?  Maybe, but I really didn’t care since I had my can of whip cream.   I was ready to stretch out on the couch and pile my mouth in the whipped heaven.  I just really wanted to go home.

Once again I was pushing my way through the annoying crowd; this time, however, I was more patient seeing how I had gotten my target of leaving the house.  Of course nothing ever goes the way I want, since I came upon Naruto and Sakura with a whole bunch of kids in a fight.  Not only were they in a fight, but they were in a fight with Sand Ninja of all people.

For a couple seconds, I debated turning around and leaving them.  But I’m annoyed to say I didn’t.  Reasons, unknown to me, I felt a need to defend my team.  “Out of all the people you could get into a fight with, the two of you manage to do so with the only Sand Ninja.” I groaned, stopping when I stood next to Sakura.

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