Our Final Days

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Five years have passed since that day, but I still have dreams about my conversation with Itachi.  Sometimes in my dreams he would stay, and life would go on.  Most of the time however he left, and I would see the images of my clan being murdered again and again.  At first they really freaked my out.  Now they are just a part of my life, so I'm pretty used to them.

I was right though.  Sasuke did change.  He isn't as happy as he was, and he swore to kill Itachi.  I want to scream at him, and shake him, and tell him Itachi had to do it, but I don't know why Itachi had to, so that wouldn't work.

After Sasuke woke up, we both crept into the hallway to hear the nurse talking to the doctors about our clan.  Sasuke and I then snuck out, so both of us went back to the Uchiha compound.  When we stopped outside our house, Sasuke couldn't go in, so I did.  I walked over to my parents corpses.  They had been marked off, but the bodies were still there.  Apparently the ANBU haven't gotten around to clearing the bodies out yet, so I walked over to my mothers corpse.

Around her neck was what I was looking for.  The black choker necklace with the Uchiha clan symbol on it, so I took it off her neck, and I now wore it around my neck everywhere I went.

Mine and Sasuke's lives changed after that.  Both of us still went to the academy, but we really didn't talk to anyone.  Sasuke also was more protective of me now.  He used to let me disappear, and he wouldn't worry.  Now he always had to know where I was, and who I was with.  I think since he was the older brother, and Itachi wasn't here, he had to take over.

Both of us though are the top of our class.  Sasuke just attracted more attention than I did.  Fan girls seemed even more in love with him now.  I just intimidated them, so they didn't really mess with me.  We both though are ready to become genin.  As I put it first step genin, next step ANBU.

The test to become a genin was just in two days, so I was pretty excited.  Sasuke was too, but he wouldn't say it.  He just kept his indifferent face on.  I still had to get through these two days though, so I was currently in the kitchen at 4 in the morning making pancakes.

Why would I get up this early?  Easy, I want to have time to train.  My dream was to become ANBU chief, so no information would be kept from me.  Even though I was more advanced than a lot of the other students, I still wasn't at the level to become ANBU.  Physically anyway.  I could probably win any mind games with people, not that anyone needed to know about that.

So back to the point of why I wake up every morning this early.  It's so I can train my body, and push it to almost breaking point.  I am fast though just not strong.  So here I was making pancakes after I trained.

Soon Sasuke would wake up, and him and I would have a nice conversation about ways to kill people, and which chakra nature we like most.  Neither one of us were really sarcastic.  Okay I'm the sarcastic one, but I do it in a way that people can't tell I'm being sarcastic until later.  Sasuke could always tell though, it kind of annoys me, but I guess that's what brothers are for.

Speaking of the devil, as soon as I flipped the last pancake Sasuke came down the hallway.  "What are you making, it reeks." are the first words he muttered to me this morning.

"Pancakes!" I replied happily.

"I'll just have a glass of orange juice." he replied, walking over to the fridge.

"Sasuke just eat a pancake." I ordered.

"Eiko you can't make me.  Besides I'm older, and taller." he said.

"Only by two hours, and four inches that's it."

"I don't want a pancake." he finally said.

"Fine don't eat the pancakes I woke up early to make.  All I wanted to do was celebrate out almost graduation from the academy." I muttered.

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