The Bet

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Kakashi’s POV

I was surprised by how light Eiko really was.  Carrying her all the way across the forest, didn’t even make my arms ache a little.  Eiko was just that light.  Almost to Tazuna’s house, Eiko began to stir.  Her eyes opened and she looked at my face.  I was struck by how pale she was, even more than usual.

“Sensei…where are we?” He voice was weak, but I thought it was only from sleep.

I smiled gently at her, “We’re almost back to Tazuna’s house.”  Eiko nodded and looked away from my eyes.  I was a little sad to see that she was guarding her emotions again, but I guess a couple of minutes wouldn’t fix a life of habits.

“I can walk now.” Eiko stated and started to struggle in my arms.  Once again, I took in her pale face.  “I’m sure.” Eiko gave me what looked like an attempt at an honest smile.  Gently, I sat her on her feet.  Taking a couple seconds, Eiko got her balance until she started walking.

“Eiko you don’t have to fabricate emotions just to make me, or anyone on the team happy.  Just express what you really feel and we’ll accept you.” I scolded, lightly.

Eiko glanced at me and seemed to debate what she wanted to say finally she gave up and just nodded her head.  I thought back to the time when I had been walking with Eiko alone.  That was only a couple weeks ago, but it felt like a lifetime.  My suspicions had been right as I knew something was up with Eiko.  It was simply amazing how well the child could act.

Now that Eiko really was just being her, I could tell that the child was suffering.  As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was torn up just like Sasuke from the clan’s massacre.  I wonder if she’s ever thought of revenge.

“Are we almost there?” Eiko asked, breaking the silence.  I couldn’t help but notice how every couple of seconds, Eiko would wipe away at her mouth.  Eyes going to her hand, I tried to see if blood was dotting her fair skin.  But the dimming light made it impossible.  Eiko nodded again and continued to walk slightly ahead of me.

Finally, we made it back to Tazuana’s house.  Eiko paused at the door and stood there for just a heartbeat.  I walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Will they be mad?” She asked.

“I’m not going to lie, so yes.  They will probably be mad after they get over their worry.” I answered.  Eiko didn’t show any signs of being nervous, but I could imagine by her question that she was feeling slightly nervous.  “You better go and face it.” I instructed.  Pulling open the door, I nudged Eiko inside.  Only a slight resistance met me from her.

Scurrying feet responded as the door snapped shut.  “Eiko!” Sakura was the first to make her appearance.  “You’re okay.” Sakura hugged Eiko tightly releasing her worry.  Eiko eyes widened a little in surprise, but her arms stayed stiff at her side.

“Sakura,” Eiko started, “I can’t breathe.”

Sakura took a step back and looked mad now, “Good!  Where do you get off running away?  I was worried sick about you!”

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