Sass and Pass

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Soon Kankuro came back in; he plopped down next to me.  His whole persona read confidence and success, something it had lacked before.  I glanced at him and he gave me a smug grin to which I rolled my eyes at.

I sighed and glanced up at the clock.  We had ten minutes until the tenth question.  On the first nine we had been tested on our information gathering skills.  I felt the tenth would be different, we were supposed to stress about it.  That would explain why it wasn’t grouped with the rest of the test.  This one, I felt, would be more of a mental challenge than an actual knowledge question.

This is what is to be expected from a master interrogator, I suppose.

Story Begin

Only five minutes had passed, yet my nerves were completely shot. My mind kept wandering and plotting and thinking.  Everything it usually did, but now nothing I could think of seemed to fit with what I’ve gathered from Ibiki.  I could not get my mind to work like his did, or at least how I thought his did.  All of my thoughts were scattered and really had no common things between any of them. Finding a logic solution to this mysterious question was even harder than throwing a kunai in the dark-which actually isn’t that hard, hitting the mark is the hard part, but anyone can throw in the dark.

By now I was probably bouncing in my seat, I couldn’t at all deal with not knowing the question. I have to know everything, I really do.  Every detail of every plan that someone had made, I have to know it. I have to know why things work and how they work. I have to know why things happen to me. I have to know everything.  It’s even so bad that I have to know why I have to do something. A person can’t simply tell me to do something. For one: I hate being given orders. So instead I ask why. If I get a good reason then I’ll consider cooperating.  Most of the time I don’t get good reasons though, so I just don’t do it.

And not knowing what this question was even going to be was practically killing me. Time seemed to be creeping by even slower than it was a few seconds ago.  I couldn’t stand it anymore and finally I gave up watching the clock. It wasn’t moving anyway.  With a heavy and quite loud thump, my head hit the desk. It was my submission into the unknown, but unfortunately it hurt.

I must’ve uttered a very audible moan of pain because Kankuro snorted like a very unappealing pig beside me. “That was extremely stupid.” His voice was a huffy whisper. I could feel his breath crawl across my skin and climb into my pores. Even though I could still feel it and it was…weird, it didn’t feel bad. It was warm. I like warm things.  It almost made the insult go away. Almost.

Though I didn’t like to be insulted, not even I could argue that it was somewhat intelligent, “Yes it was.” I lifted my head and started to rub my forehead. I was sure I was pouting. My lips were pursed and puckered in such away with my bottom lip protruding out. I really didn’t know why I was though.  Naturally, I didn’t like to do stupid things and then be called out on them. But I didn’t think that I wanted to pout. It seemed that my body was not acting on its own. I suppose that my body knew more of how to react then my mind did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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