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iko's POV


After I left the room, I turned down the hallway to find Sakura.  Unconsciously, I rubbed at the bandage over my wound.  There was a slight burn and I was worried that it would get infected, not that I was going to tell anyone that.  I could handle myself; I didn’t need anyone to look after me.

Being so wrapped up in my own mind, I didn’t his presence until Kakashi settled his hand down on my shoulder, it could also be that he is a jounin as well.  “Eiko, I have something to ask you.”

“Okay.” I agreed.  I swallowed the lump of fear that had bubbled to the surface.  No, fear wasn’t the right word.  More like my surprise at him being so sneaky, so ninja like.

“That wasn’t you in there,” He gestured to the room we were just in.  I wanted to scoff and laugh in his face.  We’ve only been a team for a couple weeks, there was a lot that none of us knew about each other.  I bit my tongue from retorting and let him continued, “So what gives?  Why were you acting like that?”

I raised an eyebrow, “I’ve already told you.  I was testing you.”  I turned to leave, but he grabbed my shoulder again, none to friendly.

“But what does that mean,” Kakashi stopped and chose his words again, “What do you mean by testing me?”

This time I did scoff a little, “We’ve only been a team, if you can call us that, for a little less than a month.  We hardly know anything of the others.  Sure we can say that we know the others based on their personalities so far.  But you can’t be sure.” I shrugged here, “I for one don’t really show much of who I really am.  What I really am and how I think don’t attract most people.  And it is easier to get what you want when people like you.”

“How does this come in to you ‘testing’ me?” Kakashi still didn’t get it.

“I wanted to see your reaction to my struggles.  I was curious if you would simply knock me out, go for the quick and easy tactic.  Maybe you’d threaten me or bribe me into something I wanted.  But no, you chose to hold me down and try to reason with me.”  Kakashi’s one visible eye seemed to be scanning his brain, comprehending what I was saying, “Our choices of how we deal with our problems reflect on the kind of person we are.”

“So what kind of person am I?”

I sighed, “I don’t know yet.  I’m still trying to figure you out.  That’s why you’re interesting to me.”  I turned to leave again, hoping that Kakashi wouldn’t stop me.  I was pretty sure he wouldn’t, but I was still learning to read him.

Making my way down the stairs, I found Sakura alone at the table.  She seemed a little upset by a means in which I didn’t know.  Did she feel ignored?  Was Sasuke mean to her again?  It could also be Naruto was bugging her again?

Sakura’s POV


“If you don’t smile more, wrinkles will creep into your skin.  Then you’d really have a reason to frown.”  I jumped in my seat.  Eiko had snuck up behind me and startled me when she spoke.  I knew she was pretty quite when she walked, but it was still creepy when she was just there all of a sudden

“Eiko!” I cried, leaping up from my chair after I had gotten over my fright.  I bounded over to her and crushed her in a quick hug.  My eyes widened a bit and her body pressed against mine for that brief second.  Eiko was just a little bit taller than me, but I was by far thicker than her.  Eiko simply felt like she was skin and bones, not a ninja who worked out as much as all of us.

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