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“Eiko , where are you going?” Sakura squeaked. Lee and Sasuke had just announced that they were going to fight, but that didn’t mean I had to stick around.  I didn’t want to be late for registration, so I was going to go to it in order to delay it if need be.

“Away.” I answer not sparing her or anyone in the room a second glance.  As of the moment, I could feel three people’s eyes on me which meant that Sasuke and Lee weren’t ripping out each other’s throats.

“I’ll come too.” Sakura piped up eagerly, I sighed and turned around to face her.  Could these people not get that I was leaving partly so I could be alone.  I didn’t want people to come with me.  Just no.

“No, stay here.” I answered about to turn around again.

“But why?” Sakura almost whined in her question.

“Because someone needs to stay so Sasuke doesn’t hurt himself more when Lee wins their sparring match.” I replied, turning from all of them and walking from the room.

I vaguely heard Sasuke growl, “I will win.” I ignored it and wondered down the hall until I made my way up to the third floor.  Doubt was starting to creep in on me as we got closer.  I was small, I hardly had anything that could be considered a talent; I was weak.  That was the plain and simple of it.

No one paid me any mind as I got to the third floor, for that I was glad.  I’ve always had a weak presence, so I’ve slipped into the background and watched.  Most of the time I was only noticed when I spoke or someone was looking for me.  That was the way I liked it.  I didn’t want to be light; I was content in my shadow.

Signing up without my team, would prove impossible, so I scanned the light crowd for something to do or talk to.  My eyes finally landed on Kakashi Sensei and…an older version of that Lee kid.  They seemed to be talking and didn’t notice my advance until I spoke, “Kakashi Sensei.”

It was hardly noticeable, so he jumped a little in surprise as my voice was behind him.  Looking over his shoulder he gave me an almost warm look, “Hello Eiko.” He glanced over my shoulder, “Where is the rest of the team?” Confusion and a little bit of worry crept into his tone.

I shrugged it off, “Sasuke and Naruto got held up, so Sakura stayed behind to round them up.”  Although I spoke to Kakashi Sensei, I was looking over Lee Sr. It made it easier since he wasn’t paying me any mind.  Instead for some reason he was beaming at Kakashi, it looked as if he were about to explode.

Finally, when I could visibly tell he couldn’t take it anymore, he clapped Kakashi Sensei on the back and none too lightly either, “My old rival,” He started overly loud, “Is this one of your fine students.” Kakashi Sensei only nodded slightly and gave me a look of pity.

I raised my eyebrow, but it was too late to escape my fate, I was trapped, literally.  Lee Sr. had grabbed my hand and was shaking it enthusiastically, “Kakashi’s youthful student,” He beamed, still shaking my hand like his life depended on it, “I am Might Gai: Konoha’s Sublime Green Beast of Prey!” He finally released my hand to strike a very, very disturbing pose.

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