Memories I will never forget

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"Yet Another vidcon. Can't wait to see Felix and get a lecture on how we abandoned him." Sean laughed trying to zip up his suitcase.

"And somehow we keep adding to the family." Sam laughed. Sean was having trouble zipping his suitcase.

"You need help?" Sam laughed.

"No im a grown man I got this." Sean said but still failed once again.

"What size kid do you want?" Sam asked.

"What are the options?" Sean joked.

"Well we have two six year olds, one three year old, one two and a half year old, and a 5 month old. Pick your poison." Sam joked.

"Give me one six year old." Sean said.

"Courtney will you come here for a second?" Sam yelled.

"Yes mommy?" She asked walking into the bedroom.

"Would you be a dear and sit on daddy's suitcase. I know it sounds weird but just go with it." Sam said.

"Sure." Courtney smiled and jumped onto Sean's suitcase.

"And wait.......wait.....I got it! Good job love bug!" Sean smiled and gave Courtney a high five.

"Ok love bug why don't you make sure you are all packed up." Sean said lifting her off the suitcase and onto the ground.

"Is auntie and uncle Ethan going to be there?" Courtney asked.

"Why yes they are, and so is Mark and Amy and uncle Swede." Sean said.

"Yay!" Courtney cheered and ran out of the room in excitement.

"Uncle Swede is that what we call him now?" Sam laughed.

"Yes, I want them to go up to him and call him that just so I can fight him later on." Sean smiled.

"Then comes the fanfics!" Sam laughed.

They were all packed up and headed to the airport. They landed it LA and got to the hotel.

"Oh so many memories. Too many memories I rather no remember." Sean said.

"Worst pregnancy announcement ever am I right?" Sam laughed.

"Then the whole Irish freakout." Sean said.

"Oh yea that slap hurt." Sam said.

"Maybe this year will be better!" Sean said picking up SJ

"Fingers crossed!" Sam laughed.

"Hey strangers!" Mark smiled walking down the hall.

"Mark!" Sean said and hugged him

"Who's ready for a drama free week!" Mark cheered.

"Uncle Mark!" Courtney and Calum said and hugged him.

"Wow you guys need to stop growing!" Mark said picking both of them up.

"Hey I'm here too!" Amy smiled walking down the hall.

"Amy!" Sam said and hugged her.

"How's the marriage life?" Sam asked.

"Is it bad I can't tell a difference?" Amy laughed.

Sam just laughed.

"Where is SJ and Beth?" Amy asked.

"In the room, SJ is watching tv and Beth is asleep." Sam said.

"Ready for your panel?" Mark asked.

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