Finn and his famous notebook

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Sam's POV

Ok so Hawaii was amazing. I don't think I could have asked for anything more perfect. To spare your time I won't go into detail, but I will give you the main parts.

So when we arrived the hotel was beautiful. We unpacked and ended up spending the first day just in the hotel. We watched movies and actually played things like uno and Monopoly. What did you think we were doing, get your mind out of the gutter. But also I don't want anymore kids thanks. The next day we went down to the beach. I'm not one for tanning. I rather make sandcastles. And before you judge I am a child at heart and I'm proud! But one thing people don't know about me, I hate the ocean. I don't know why but it's a full on fear. I don't know if I'm afraid of sharks and crabs or drowning. Sean knows about my fear and tanned for an hour. I was getting lonely with my sandcastles after it fell over for the third time I gave up. Sean wanted to go into the ocean and when he did I happily watched from the shore.

That night Sean took me to this beautiful restaurant where we ate outside and the food was lovely. There was a live band playing and it was so nice to just get to talk to Sean without any problems. Overall a great day.

The next day Sean attempted to surf. Obviously I was nervous but I couldn't help but laugh at how bad he was. But once again I watched from the shore. We then went back to the hotel and ended up falling asleep.

That next day we went to small shops that were by the beach. We found these really cute shirts that were super cheesy, so of course we had to get them. We bought too many things, but we didn't forget Ethan's snow globe! That night I will admit things got a bit PG-13 but I won't go on with that.

That next day we went down to the beach once again and I continued to make my sand castles. And somehow Sean actually got me to go into the ocean. He held me by my waist the whole time so I wouldn't have a panic attack and drown. But I have to say the ocean is quite calming, but I would never go in it without Sean's arms around my waist. That night there were fireworks so me and Sean sat in the sand and looked at the different colors light up the sky.

Once again let's not talk about what happened when we got back to the hotel. On to the next day!

Since it was the next to last day, we wanted to do as much as possible. We went fishing which I knew nothing about but I quite enjoyed it. We didn't catch anything but talking to Sean is the best thing ever. Sean went snorkeling but I stayed on the boat. Sorry but I'm not about that life. But after that we went to this place and got to swim with dolphins. Once again I was terrified but Sean knew what to do so I didn't have a heart attack. It was amazing and I loved it. We went out to eat for lunch and then went back to the beach. Sean finally helped me with my sandcastles and we finally succeeded! One thing we did that I didn't know was going to happen was we both got tiny matching tattoos. Sean also finally re dyed his hair and I got my nails done. That night we sat at the beach and had a dinner picnic.

We went to bed and packed the next day and headed back to La to retrieve our children and straight back to Brighton. This trip really helped me and Sean's relationship. I'm so grateful Ethan got us those tickets. Now time to plan for the twins birthday!

Narrators POV

Haven and Finn packed to go to Brighton for the twins birthday. Finn still hadn't talked to her about him being gay. For some reason he was the most nervous to tell her. He really didn't want to hurt her after everything she had been through.

"Hey mom, can I ask you something?" Finn asked zipping up his suit case.

"Sure finnely what's up?" Haven asked folding one of baileys shirts.

"How close are you with Joey?" He asked.

"We recently not very why?" Haven asked.

"Why did he do something?" Finn asked his heart stopping.

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