Irish freakout

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At this point of time. Things couldn't get any worse. But Niall stood on stage shocked. He had no idea that not only Finn was there, but haven also.

"Finn?" Niall asked softly.

Ethan backed up and watched how much Finn loved Niall.

"Dad!" Finn yelled and started to run onto the stage. Then he stopped and looked at Ethan.

"Finn what's wrong?" Niall asked.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"One direction has a gig here tonight. What are you doing here?" Niall asked.

"I'm here with my mom and auntie and my family." Finn said.

"Well why don't you come up here and give your dad a hug since I haven't seen you in forever." Niall said opening his arms.

Finn started to run up to him but stopped again.

"No." Finn said.

"What? Why? Finn I thought you missed me?" Niall asked slowly putting his arms down.

"I can't. Because you aren't my Dad." Finn said.

"Finn what are you talking about? Of course I'm your dad." Niall said.

"No, Ethan is my dad." Finn said.

Ethan looked up to him with happiness and tears in his eyes. Finn finally acknowledged him as his dad.

"Who the heck is Ethan?" Niall half shouted.

"I'm Ethan." Ethan said quietly.

"You? Aren't you a little, young for haven?" Niall asked rudely.

"Just because I have acne doesn't mean I'm a kid." Ethan said.

"Oh I wasn't even going to mention that. But since you brought it up, why do you look like a Dalmatian?" Niall asked.

"Stop! That's so rude." Jack yelled.

"Who are you green head?" Niall asked.

"My name is Seán. And you need to stop being mean to Ethan and just leave." Jack yelled.

"One, quiet down loud mouth. Where is haven?" He asked.

"Right here bottle blonde." Haven yelled.

"Wow haven, what's up with the hair? Did blue boy influence you to do this?" Niall laughed rudely.

"Stop." Finn yelled.

"Quiet Finn, where is your sister?" Niall asked.

"Why do you need to know?" Haven asked with attitude.

"I'm here." Sam said walking onto the stage.

"Wow new hair, I don't like it." Niall said.

"I didn't ask for your opinion now did I." Sam snapped, just like her old self.

"Is that a wedding ring on your finger? Who would be so dumb to marry you after you broke Louis's heart?" Niall asked crossing his arms.

"Hi, hello, that would be me, the loud mouth." Jack said raising his hand like the child he is.

"What do you see in her?" Niall yelled.

"I don't know, she is nice, funny, has a great personality, pretty, pretty much everything you are not." Jack said.

"Niall just leave." Sam said.

"How about this?" Niall said and slapped Sam across the face causing her to stumble back.

"Leave! You were never a dad to me and I don't want you here! I hate you! I'm glad you are gone! Now leave before you cause anymore damage. Things are already bad enough." Finn screamed.

"Finn. I thought you loved me? I thought you missed me? Your mom must have changed you". Niall said.

"Actually no. I got a brain to realize what a douche you are. And I will never be like you."
Finn yelled.

"Fine I will go." Niall said.

"Oh and before you go..." Sam said. Niall turned around and Sam punched him right in the nose.

"Don't you ever lay a finger on me again or I will end you. I'm not like other girls. Now get out before I change my mind." Sam said. Niall held his nose and ran out of the room.

"Is everything ok in here?" Louis said running onto the stage.

"Late once again Louis." Sam sighed.

Everyone went into the break room and no one said a word. Finn took Calum and Courtney back to the hotel.

"Can we talk?" Jack asked seriously, turning into the serous seán.

"Yea, id like that." Sam said.

They walked back to the hotel.

"Oh hey guys. I can leave with them if you want." Finn said as they walked into their hotel room.

"I'm sorry." Jack said and hugged Finn.

"For what?" Finn asked hugging jack.

"I thought you were still a kid. But you are so much more mature. More mature than I am. Without you, I wouldn't  have a second chance." Jack smiled looking at Sam.

"You're welcome uncle Seán. I will
Leave now. Don't screw this up." Finn smiled and walked out of the room with the twins.

Finn walked back into the break room.

"Hey Finn wanna help set up the stage for the q and a?" Mark asked.

"Sure. Mom can you watch the twins?" Finn asked.

"Of course." Haven smiled.

Mark, Ethan, bob, Wade,  Tyler, and Finn walked onto the stage. They started setting up chairs and connecting the mics to the speakers.

"Hey can someone go to the back of the room and check if there are enough seats in the rows?" Ethan asked through the microphone.

"I'm on it Dad." Finn said and ran to the back of the room.

Ethan paused. Mark and Tyler looked over to him.

"Ethan." Mark said up
To him. He looked over and Mark gave him a thumbs up.

*short chapter I'm sorry but this is just an update to keep the story moving. A much longer chapter will be coming soon we promise. Hope you enjoyed and more to come!!*- Lauren aka phantrashtomlinson

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