The childhood fan girl

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"Hey Sean are you up?" Mark asked knocking on the door.

"Uh yea come in." Sean said putting on his shoes.

"Wow, this place is a mess." Mark said to himself.

"Ow, damn it." Sean said in pain.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked.

"My finger has been hurting since last night. I don't know what's wrong with it." Sean said.

"Um Sean I think it's broken. You should probably go to the doctors about that." Mark said looking at his swollen finger.

"No time, today is your big Markiplier and friends panel. Can't be late." Sean said.

"Can we talk about what happened yesterday. Are you ok man. I'm here to talk to you." Mark said.

"Mark I'm fine." Sean said.

"You broke down on stage. That's not like you. Plus you're hurt and your room is a mess. Your eyes are so bloodshot and you are so pale, talk to me." Mark said.

"Talking won't help anything. I've cried enough about this. It's time for me to man up." Sean said.

"Jack bottling up your feelings isn't good for you." Mark said.

"How about we talk about you? You haven't seemed so sad about the whole proposal thing." Sean half shouted.

"You're right. I'll see you at the panel jack. If you aren't down there in ten minutes I'll be back to get you." Mark said and walked out of the room.

Sean sighed and sat on his bed. The ten minutes went by and Sean hadn't moved from his spot on the bed.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Mark I'll be there in a second." He said.

But there was no response. Then the knocking started again.

"Mark I said I'll be down in a second." Sean said louder.

Still no response. The knocking just continued.

"Mark are you deaf or something? I said I'll be down there in a-" and then he opened the door to see his wife standing in front of him. He froze.

"Sam?" He said as tears filled his eyes.

Sam smiled and hugged Sean. Sean closed the door and they kissed.

"I'm so sorry this isn't what I want. I've been a mess lately and I've realized the single life is not for me." Sean cried. Sam just kissed him once again.

"I think you're missing this." She said taking Sean's wedding ring out of her jacket pocket.

Sean smiled and put the ring back where it belonged.

"I didn't want this for you. I didn't know you would suffer so much." Sam said.

"I just can't live without you I guess." Sean smiled putting his arms around Sam's waist.

"You have a panel to get to mister and there better be only tears of laughter in your eyes." Sam laughed.

"You saw that did you." Sean smiled.

"Unfortunately." Sam smiled.

They both walked to the building holding hands as they walked into the front door.

"Sam! What are you doing here?" Mark asked running up to them.

"I saw the breakdown, I came as fast I could. He should be back to the loud leprechaun that he is." Sam smiled.

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