We have been through so much

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"Four kids?" Haven smiled.

She looked at Sean and he just smiled. She remembered how they talked about having kids and it brought Sean to tears because Sam said she didn't want kids.

"Do you know if it is only one?" Mark asked.

"Well I sure hope so." Sam laughed

"What if it's twins again? I heard it's common for someone to have a set of twins to have another." Ethan said.

"Hey I said I wanted four not five." Sean laughed.

"When do you find out?" Haven asked.

"Well I am going to go in tomorrow for the first ultrasound." Sam said.

Everyone was happily talking and laughing. Sam had gotten up to get a glass of water when haven entered the room.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Haven asked.

"Yea what's up?" Sam asked walking up to her.

"I'm a terrible mom." She said breaking down.

"What? What makes you say that?" Sam asked.

"I'm pregnant. Finn is going to hate me I mean after what happened with bailey I don't want another kid or kids." Haven cried.

"Oh my gosh we are both pregnant! How crazy is that. And Finn will be fine. He is the sweetest kid in the universe." Sam said.

"But I can't tell him. I just can't." Haven said wiping her eyes.

"Does Ethan know?" Sam asked.

"No, you are the only one." Haven said.

"Come with me tomorrow we can both find out what we are having. I promise I will help you in anyway I can." Sam smiled.

"But what about Sean? Isn't he going with you?" Haven asked.

"Ok we won't find out the gender just how many fingers crossed one." Sam laughed.

"Ok I like that idea." Haven said wiping her eyes once again.

*that next day*

"Hey Sean I'm going to head out with haven, fingers crossed." Sam joked.

"Ok and hey are you sure you don't need me to come?" Sean asked.

"I'm positive. Have a boys day. Amy why don't you tag along with us. Get away from the annoying boys." Sam smiled.

"Sure." Amy smiled.

They all arrived nervously accept for Amy of course.

"Ok haven you go first." The doctor said.

Haven laid on the bed and the doctor moved the thing around her stomach.

"Let's see here. Hmmm ah yup there is the baby's heart beat." The doctor smiled.

"There is only one right?" Haven laughed.

"Yes, do you want to know the gender?" The doctor asked.

"Um yea why not." Haven said nervously.

"It's a baby girl! Congrats." The doctor smiled.

"A girl! Haven you are going to have a little girl!" Sam cheered.

"I can't believe it!" Haven said excitedly.

"Ok Sam your turn." The doctor said.

"Oh here we go." Sam laughed.

"Ok here we go. Let's see what we have here. Oh there we are. There is only one. Do you want to know the gender?" The doctor asked.

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