Moving on

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Haven showed up to her house in New York. Sam, Louis, Harry, and Finnely were there. Once she walked through the the door Finnely ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged HIME back and asked him to go to his room while the adults had a grown up talk.

"It's over."

"What is?" Harry asked with a scared expression.

"Niall and I. The rings on his counter. How much do you wanna bet he won't care."

"Oh Haven..." Sam said standing and hugging her sister.

"That bastard!" Was all Louis could say.

"I already went to the court house and got my custody papers..."

"Full custody?" Harry said with an hint of worry in his tone.

"Of corse."

Harry went on tour with the band and Louis went with him. Obviously. Sam and him still kept in contact.

Meanwhile in Haven land...

She normally just wakes up, gets Finnely ready for school, takes him out to the bus, and comes inside and snuggles the couch. It's gonna be like this for some time. Some time actually meaning TWO YEARS! One day as she's moping on the coach, someone knocks on the door. An hour before she's suppose to be up to get Finnely. She answered the door and a very loud man appears.


"Shhhh you'll wake Finnely!"


"My kid now shut up and who are you?!"

"You have a kid?!?"

"I'll go get Sam."

Haven shut the door on this mans face and walked back to get her sister.

"What do you want?"

"Some loud mouthed, green haired boy is at the door for you."

"Why Jack, why so early?"

Haven went back to the coach and snuggled back into the blanket till a faint noise was heard from little Finnely's room. Then Sam opened the door and gave Jack a huge hug.

"Jack! What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit."

"Come in come in."

Jack and Sam sat near the tv when Finnely came out from the hallway.

"Mommy, who's that man?"

"That's one of aunties friends. Why are you up?"

"I heard a loud noise and got scared."

"Ok well we still have an hour so you can do what you want."

"I'm gonna play with auntie."

"Ok Finnely."

Haven just say down on the coach when there was another knock at the door.

"Let me guess, you want me to get it?"

Sam just shook her head as Haven got up and let the stranger in. This ones name was JC. They played with Finnely till he had to got to school.

"Bye Jack, bye Jc."

"Bye Finnely!"

They said in unison. As soon as Haven left the questions filled in.

"Is she ok Sam? She seemed to get depressed every time I spoke. Did I do something?"

"Yes and no. She had an Irish ex fiancé so when she hears your voice, it reminds her of him. She also doesn't have many friends. After she had Finnely, they all lost touch."

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