Me before you

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"Hey Sam, it's been a week now. Everyone is falling apart without you. I promised that you would be ok. I wish I could do more. I have been an absolute jerk to you and if you died I don't know what I would do." Louis said starting to cry. Sam was in the coma like the doctor said. Louis was the only one there that day. Everyone else was either having a nervous break down or was so worried it made them physically sick.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" The nurse said opening the door.

"Yes?" Louis asked quickly wiping his eyes.

"The doctor ran some tests, and it seems you have the same blood type as Sam. If you wouldn't mind-"

"Yes, yes. Give her as much of my blood as she needs." Louis said quickly.

The next hour Louis sat there and gave blood for Sam. They took so much blood Louis was dizzy and couldn't walk. But every time the doctor asked if Louis wanted to stop, Louis insisted to keep going.

By the next week Sam woke up.

Louis was sat next to her, his head in his hands looking towards the floor.

"Louis?" Sam asked weakly.

"Sam? You're awake!" Louis said jumping out of his seat.

"W-what happened?" She asked quietly, her eyes barely opened.

"You're going to be ok." Louis said.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"They are at home, worried about you. What do you remember?" Louis asked.

"I remember........ choking, blood got on Harry's shirt then just the feeling of falling, that's all." She said weak and softly.

"Get some rest, I'll go call the others and tell them to come here." Louis smiled.

Louis had not said anything about him saving Sam. And neither did anyone else because they were to relieved to even think about it. Sam came home three days later, but was ordered to stay in bed and not get up at all. Sam hated the idea of people having to serve her.

"Hey Sam you ok?" Louis asked walking into her room.

"The fact that I've been in bed for two days having people serve me, no I'm not ok." Sam sighed.

"I would love to be in bed all day, plus having Harry as a servant would be amazing." Louis laughed sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Louis, how did I not get a concussion? I fell on a wooden floor, I wasn't breathing. How is it possible?" Sam finally asked.

"You fainted, I caught you on your way down. I checked for your pulse and there was nothing. Everyone was panicking and Haven was having a panic attack, so I did what I had to do. The important thing is your ok." Louis said.

"Louis,you saved me. I could never thank you enough, without you, I wouldn't be here today. Thank you." Sam said.

"Really it's nothing, just doing the right thing." Louis smiled.

Sam smiled and looked down.

"You're reading me before you?" Louis asked pointing to the book on her night stand.

"Well it's my third time reading it. The book is just too good to only read once." Sam said.

"Have you ever seen the movie?" Louis asked.

"I didn't know there was a movie. Have you seen it?" Sam asked.

"Of course! It's a real tear jerker." Louis laughed.

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