Being at peace

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"Wait you guys aren't supposed to be back for another three days." Sean said still on the couch.

"Well apparently we have missed a lot. One I see cute baby, two I need to talk to you Sean about that breakdown video, three what the hell happened between you two, and where the hell is tyler?" Mark said putting down his bags.

"You guys don't need to worry about us, we are adults and can take care of ourselves." Haven said.

"Why is it you guys are fine until we leave?" Mark asked.

"Mark stop." Amy said.

"No I want to know, cause all I wanted was to enjoy my honeymoon, yet social media is blowing up with all the shit you guys have caused, yea I'm talking about you McLoughlins." Mark said crossing his arms.

"Mark it's not their fault. Things happen, you are the one who wanted to come back early." Amy said.

Upstairs Finn sat next to the banister and watched what was happening. He has seen them fight not only all week, but pretty much all his life. His childhood, well
You can't even call it a childhood, was filled of fighting, cheating, and words that no kid should have to hear. Finn had no friends and no love interests. Tears ran down his face as he saw his auntie crying and his uncle Sean yelling at his uncle Mark.

"We stayed here to watch your house, and this is how you thank us? We didn't ask for you to come back. We were fine." Sean yelled.

"Fine? You call ending your YouTube channel fine?" Mark yelled.

"You know what it was nice being in la but it's time for us to go. Hope you had a fantastic honeymoon mark. Have a good life you two." Sean said and ran up the steps. Finn quickly ran into the computer room. Sean slammed the door and in the other room Finn silently slid down the wall and cried into his knees. He was so sick of all the unhappiness in his screwed up family. Then he heard Sean run back downstairs. He quietly opened the door and listened to what was being said.

"Sean stop let's talk about this." Amy said.

"Oh please I think we have talked about this enough." Sean said.

"Sam come on we are leaving." Sean said.

"Sean I think your overreacting." Sam said.

"I'm overreacting? I'm-"

"Sean come on before you say something you regret." Haven said yanking him by his shirt and dragging him upstairs. Finn once again closed the door.

"Sean you need to calm down." Haven said.

"Marks being an asshole!" Sean shouted.

"Sean stop this isn't you. You are acting the way Sam used to a long time ago. Your scaring your kids." Haven said.

Sean sighed and sat on the bed.

"You know we all aren't perfect parents." Sean sighed.

"I know." Haven said.

"Where is Finn anyhow?" Sean asked.

"I don't actually know, he is being a real introvert recently. He doesn't even come downstairs anymore." Haven said.

"Interesting. What do I do. I don't want to even talk to Mark or I will explode." Sean said.

"Whatever you do, don't leave, that's not what Sam wants." Haven said.

"How do you know?" Sean asked.

"We are sisters, we know how each other feels." Haven said

"Oh yea I forget sometimes that you two are related."Sean said.

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