Everything is coming back together

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"Sean still isn't home. And we can't call him cause well his phone is there, there, and over there." Ethan said pointing to the pieces of Sean's phone that shattered all over the room.

"And what about Sam? She won't answer her phone. And why did Louis have her phone?" Haven panicked.

It was that next day and the two of them were growing very worried that neither Sean or Sam came home last night.

"What do we do? Do you think Sean could have gotten into a crash?" Haven panicked.

"Haven stop thinking that. I bet he is fine. You need to stop stressing. It's not good for you or the baby." Ethan said.

Meanwhile at the hospital. Sean had fallen asleep in the waiting room. He stayed up most of the night talking to Louis. It was about 8:30am, and Louis walked into the waiting room and woke Sean up.

"Hey man, she is awake." Louis said.

Sean nodded his head. "Thank you Louis. For everything." Sean said and stood up.

"I'll be out here if you guys need anything." Louis smiled.

Sean smiled and then walked to Sam's room. He walked in and Sam and him instantly made eye contact.

"Sean, listen I'm so sorry I-"

"Don't apologize. You were right. Lately I've been so caught up with YouTube that I took you for granted. I'm the one who should be apologizing." Sean said and sat next to her.

"I feel bad you missed your daughters birth. You probably think things happened between me and Louis and-"

"All that matters is she is here now. Louis said she was born at what, 12:30am? Do you know what today is?" Sean asked.

"No I haven't really been paying attention." Sam said.

"It's February 7th." Sean smiled.

"Your birthday. I didn't even get you a gift. God I just keep letting you down." Sam said.

"Stop putting yourself down. She is the gift. All I want for my birthday is to hold her. Did you name her?" Sean asked.

"No I haven't even thought about it." Sam laughed.

Then the nurse came in holding the small little baby girl. Sean instantly got tears in his eyes. The nurse smiled and handed the baby carefully to Sean. Sean held his new daughter and looked into her eyes.

"Hi little one. Welcome to the world." He smiled.

That next day Sam was discharged from the hospital. They walked into the waiting room.

"Thank you Louis for everything. I don't know what I would do without you." Sam said hugging Louis.

"Please anytime. You guys better get home before people worry too much." Louis smiled.

"Please keep in touch." Sean said.

"I will don't worry. Alissa talks about you guys all the time." Louis smiled.

About three hours later Ethan and haven woke up. They walked downstairs to see Finn was already awake.

"Finn what are you doing up so early?" Ethan asked.

"Where is uncle Sean and auntie?" He asked turning around.

"They still aren't back." Haven said starting to stress again.

"Tyler have you heard from Sean or sam?" Ethan asked running into the kitchen.

"Nothing." Tyler said taking a sip of his coffee.

Haven sat on the couch with finnely. Then the door opened.

"Sam you're back you had me worried sick." Haven said running over to her and hugging her.

Then Sean walked in with the little girl.

"Sam, you had her? Is that why you were gone?" Haven asked.

Sam nodded her head.

Sean picked the baby up and gave it to haven.

"She is beautiful guys, does she have a name?" Haven asked.

"Haven this is Beth, Beth Marie McLoughlin." Sean smiled.

"Beth is a great name. Hello Beth." Haven smiled.

A few hours later.

"Oh yea we need to talk about that video you made." Sam said walking into marks room where Sean was looking at the comments
On the video he recently posted.

"There is so much hate towards you I didn't mean for that to happen." Sean said turning around in his seat.

"I don't care about that. You can't quit what you love to do." Sam said holding Beth.

"But it's getting in the way of my life and our family. I'm sick of it." Sean said.

"Then take a break, ignore it for a while. You have worked way too hard to just let it go." Sam said.

"Ok, will you make the video with me? So people know it isn't your fault." Sean asked.

"Sure." Sam smiled.

They both sat down and Sean turned on the camera.

"Hello everyone. So as you might have noticed my channel is not gone. And that is because something amazing happened that made me realize that I can't give up my channel. And I'm talking quietly because looked who decided to join us today." Sean smiled and held up Beth in his arms.

"This is Beth. She came into the world only about three days ago, on my birthday. She is gorgeous and I couldn't be happier." Sean smiled.

"But that's not what I want to talk about, oh and Sam is here too". Sean said.

"I was wondering when you were going to mention I'm here." Sam laughed. Sean laughed and face palmed.

"I'm tired!" Sean laughed.

"I think we all are!" Sam laughed.

"Ok anyway, I want to talk about how much hate Sam has been getting on that video. It's not her fault I wanted to delete my channel. I was in a slump and I was so fed up with all the hate and how much it's been taking over my life. So please don't send her hate, especially since she just had Beth so short time ago. But also I'm here to say I'm taking a break. I'm not quitting or deleting my channel but I just need some time to spend with my family and I hope you guys can except that. I'll be back soon." Sean said.

"So why am I here? I've been no help what so ever." Sam smiled.

"I just didn't want to do this alone, you have done plenty." Sean laughed.

"Ok good I like doing nothing yet getting credit for it. Your doing great with the compliments babe keep it up." Sam joked patting him on the back.

Sean just started laughing again. They were back to being them and just having fun.

"God I want bed I want sleep I want it now." Sean said resting his head on Sam's shoulder.

"Are you going to at least finish the video?" Sam laughed.

"No too tired bed time." Sean said like a child.

"If you finish the video we can go get something to eat." Sam said patting Sean on the head.

Sean shot up.

"Ok well that's it I will see you guys soon bye!" And quickly turned off the camera.

Sean edited the video and posted it.

Everyone was watching a movie and having a great time. It seemed like everything was back to normal. Then the door opened.

"Hey we are back!"

*hey guys yes back to short chapters, this is just to catch up with some things that happened from last chapter. Hope you enjoyed where this story is going and sorry for any typos and as always more to come!*-Lauren

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