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I stirred the next morning, wrapped in Clarke's arms.  "Hodnes (love), you have to let me up." I told her softly.

She grumbled something about not getting up yet and let go of me.  I kissed her forehead, promising that I'd be back as soon as possible and that she should at least get dressed.

Smiling softly I myself got dressed in my armor and headed out.  Today I had a meeting with most of the Ambassadors, though it wasn't a necessary meeting and that's why I was letting Clarke sleep in.

I entered the throne room in the normal fashion, walking briskly but calmly to my throne before sitting.  I looked at the Ambassadors,  "Gyon op (Rise)." I said.

The meeting flowed smoothly, the Ambassadors and I talking as normal and resolving any issues.

Suddenly the doors were thrown open and Luna marched in - full battle armor.  Warriors followed her, some restraining the Ambassadors and others dragging people in.

I stood, "What is the meaning of this?" I growled.

Luna smirked, "I've come to take what is rightfully mine." She said.

I laughed humorlessly, "And what is that?"

She raised her chin and it dawned on me, "What do you think?"

"I think the only way you're becoming Commander is over my dead body." I growled.

She smiled, "I thought you would say that, which is why my warriors brought some...  Persuasion, shall we say?" She gestured behind her and I was allowed to see who her prisoners that had been dragged in here were.

I felt my heart practically stop in my chest.  Raven, Octavia, Lincoln, Indra and...  Clarke and the Nightbloods.

"They have no part in this Luna!" I exclaimed.

Luna chuckled coldly, "And what part did my houmon (husband/spouse) have that led you to killing him?  What did all those children do wrong that they deserved death?" She challenged.

"I told the army to spare the children Luna!  They disobeyed my orders!  The general was put to death for the deaths of those children!" I snapped.

"That doesn't bring them back to life!"

"What do you want me to do?!?  I can order people to do something all I want but they can disobey me - Commander or not!" I snapped.

"I want you to step down as Commander, or else I kill Clarke.  Right here, right now."

I sighed and stepped down, "Alright." I said, holding up my hands.

"Sit." Luna ordered, pointing with her sword to one of the Ambassador's chairs.

I had no choice but to obey.  I shot daggers at her warriors as one came forward, tying my hands down to it.

I glared at Luna, "Now what?  You still aren't Commander." I growled.

"That's why I brought along an old friend of yours.  You'll be happy to know that Danuk refused to help me." Luna said, gesturing to the throne room doors.

Two of her warriors opened it, allowing Titus to enter.  "Titus." I growled.

"Forgive me Lexa." He said.

Luna chuckled, walking to the throne and sitting, "Bring the Natblidas (Nightbloods) forward." She said.

The Natblidas were brought forward, forced to kneel before her.  Tears welled in my eyes, "You said you'd spare them if I did what you want!"

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