Market Place

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It still shocked me how Lexa had cried.  She seemed to worry a lot - maybe too much - about Titus escaping, though even I was worried about that.  Lexa had found excuses to keep me in the tower the last week and I had grown tired of it, pretty much demanding that we go out to the market place with the Nightbloods.

After some hesitation she had agreed, but made me promise to stay with one or more of the Nightbloods if she wasn't with me - to which I agreed.

And that was exactly where I found myself now, walking around the market place with Aden.  As we walked and browsed at the different stalls I began to get to know the boy more.  He was really friendly and seemed eager to learn about how things had been in the sky, though knew that some things were too much for me to explain (such as what floating meant) and to save those questions for Lexa or another member of Skaikru.

"It's so good to get out of the tower!" I repeated again as I accepted a small sample of meat.

Aden grinned, chuckling, "Yes, it is good to get out of the tower for something other than training.  Lexa has had us on lock down as well Clarke - just more openly than yours."

I chuckled and nodded, "I know Aden and I'm sorry for all this.  The Commander worries too much." I said.

Aden brushed my apology away with a flick of his hand, "Don't worry about it Clarke.  She is just doing what thinks is best - she doesn't want to lose you or one of us." He said.

"She still drives me up the wall!  I mean some of her excuses!" I said, laughing as I remembered the time she had kept me inside by saying she wanted to show me guest bedrooms (which if they were on the same floor looked pretty much the same so it made no sense why we needed to look at more than one on each floor).

Aden chuckled, "You mean the whole guest bedroom thing?" He said, grinning at the memory of a pretending-to-be-excited Commander dragging me through every room on all but maybe one floor.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, clearly exasperated.

Suddenly a dagger flew through the air, maybe three inches from my face.  Instantly Aden was in front of me with his sword drawn, looking around for the attacker.  Everyone near by seemed just as surprised and affronted as I was.

Slowly I made my way to the dagger.  It was different than any craftsmanship I was familiar with but a small piece of paper was tied around the hilt.  Frowning further I pulled the dagger from the wooden beam it had embedded itself in and untied the small piece of paper.

I unrolled it and read the small message.  It was simple and direct, reading, 'The Commander can't protect you forever.'

I swallowed thickly as I showed it to Aden.  "We can't tell Lexa." I said.

"We have to." He said.

"She'll freak out more than she already is Aden, it's probably nothing." I said.

He frowned deeper, "I doubt it Clarke.  Think about it.  Titus escapes over fifty armed guards and now you're being threatened.  It doesn't seem like a mere coincidence to me." He said.

I sighed, unable to disagree with Aden's logic.  "Please Aden." I said.

He sighed, "Alright Wanheda." He said, using my title to show that he was less than pleased.

"Clarke what is going on?" Lexa asked and both Aden and I paled.

"Nothing Lexa." I said, tucking the note away and attempting to hide the dagger.

"I can tell you're lying Clarke." Lexa tells me, unimpressed.

I sigh, "Really Lexa, it's probably nothing." I said, but it was clear I had my doubts.

"Clarke." Lexa warned.

"Fine, someone threatened me." I said.

"Who?" She growled and I was glad that I had my back turned to her.  If not I would probably see a look that could kill.

"I don't know, someone in the crowd.  Aden and I couldn't see anyone."

Lexa was silent for a moment, "Aden gather the rest of the Nightbloods." She ordered.

"Sha Heda (Yes Commander)." He said, then dashed off.

"Lexa what's wrong?" I asked but she'd withdrawn herself from me.

"Please let me be wrong.  Please let me be wrong." She was muttering over and over.

"Lexa!  What is it?" I asked, grabbing her arm as she starts to move away.

"Probably nothing Clarke.  Let's just get back to the Tower, please." She said.

I nodded, "Alright." I said.

Not long later Aden and the rest of the Natblidas (Nightbloods) join us and Lexa speed walks towards the tower, only just slow enough so that she was speed walking rather than jogging or running.

We followed silently and I could tell by the Natblidas expressions that Aden had told them what had happened - which didn't matter since Lexa knew anyway.

As we entered the tower the children headed for their room and Lexa and I headed for ours.

What an eventful day for one that was supposed to be a relaxing day.

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