Azgeda Girl

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(So I've lost focus on Clexa but it's mostly because there are so many little plots and stories and stuff I want to show so don't worry, Clexa will always be in this story even if we're not focusing on it.)


I hummed as I walked through the hallways.  I was intending to visit the Skaikru party so that was where I was heading.  I might have gotten distracted though as I somehow found myself in the training yard.

A young woman with black hair was training, fighting with another warrior.  She was good.  She took down the warrior and turned to look at me, having sensed I was watching.  Her face was scarred despite her young age and I guessed she was Azgeda.

"Gaf in gon yu don laik gyon au (Want to have a go)?" A warrior asked from beside me.

"Jos taim she gaf in gon (Only if she wants to)." I replied.

"Chit are yu waiting gon den Skai gada (What are you waiting for then Sky girl)?" The young woman asked, smiling slightly.

Kane had asked me to fight for Skaikru since they didn't have anyone who was trained to be a warrior and - after asking Indra if it was okay (she had insisted I do it since I was the only able warrior in my Clan) - I had agreed.

"Yu laik ona Azgeda gada (You're on Azgeda girl)." I said, grabbing a dull sword and getting into a stance in front of her.

"Ontari." She said as we started to circle.

Figuring that was her name I responded, "Octavia of Skaikru and Trikru."

She nodded and dashed in.  I have to admit, she's really quick.  I dodged and tried to return a blow, only to be blocked.

Our fighting session turned into something that looked like an odd dance, neither of us gaining the upper hand.  

We kept going until she eventually managed to disarm me and pointed her dull sword at me.  "You fight well." She said.

"You too." I said.

She smiled and lowered her sword, picking up mine and laying them with the rest.  We walked together back into the tower, talking and getting to know each other.  She was really friendly, which I had thought was uncharacteristic of Azgeda but maybe not.

The two of us bonded quickly and we were laughing when we approached what the Skaikru were using as a common room to hang out in.  "Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Ontari asked, hesitating outside.

"If you don't want to go in that's fine, honestly I usually hang out more with Trikru than I do Skaikru - I feel more at home there.  But since Skaikru doesn't have many warriors - or really any that can use something other than a gun - I got dragged into being their champion." I made air quotes as I said champion since it was more for fun than anything else.

Ontari looked confused and I realized she didn't understand the air quotes.  "I'm Azgeda's champion." She said.

"Sorry, the finger thing is a Skaikru thing." I said, offering her a small smile.

She chuckled, "It's okay.  I've never met a Skaikru before, then again this is only the second time I've left Azgeda." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Sha (Yes).  It had to do with Nia." She said, her gaze falling.

"You don't have to tell me Ontari.  I understand." I said.

"I want to tell you Octavia, I just can't in public." She said.

I nodded, "Okay.  Do you want to go in or somewhere else?" I asked, gesturing to the door.

"Let's go back to my room." She said.

"Okay.  Lead the way." I said, smiling at her.

She smiled back and led me towards the floor where Azgeda was staying.  

As we were walking a moan reached us.  We both stopped dead and I looked at the door.  My cheeks flared red, "Let's go.  That's my brother's room." I said.

She nodded and we both took off running to escape whatever we'd just heard.  By the time we stopped running Ontari opened a door, "Welcome to my room." She said.

I smiled and the two of us went in, closing the door behind us.  We settled down on a couch.  She was staring at her hands and I knew she was afraid or nervous.  "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" She asked.

I nodded, "I won't tell anyone Ontari.  If you want me to keep this a secret then I will."

"I need you to." She said, pulling out a small dagger from her shoe.

I nodded, "Your secret is safe with me." I promised.

She nodded, offering a small smile, and held up her hand.  Taking her dagger she pricked her finger, just enough to draw blood.

My eyes widened as black blood appeared.  I didn't say anything, waiting for her to speak.  "I'm not ready to tell much about my past." She started with hesitancy.

"Only tell me what you're ready for me to know." I said, laying a hand on her knee.

"Nia took me from my parents when I was a baby because she broke the law and cut each child just after they were born and I had black blood.  She raised me to be like her because she wanted Azgeda to rule the Clans.  I should have been in Commander Lexa's Conclave - most likely the youngest Natblida there - but she didn't let me come to Polis so I didn't fight.  Roan and a couple other of her high officials knew about me and my Nightblood.  When she died, Roan took me in almost like a big brother would a little sister.  He helped me to shake off what parts of her brainwashing had caught onto me and helped me be the good person I hope I am." She said.

I nodded, "I don't know what to say Ontari." I said truthfully.

"Just don't say you pity me or that you're sorry.  The high officials that knew about me said that and it's annoying.  I don't want pity or sympathy and I don't want people to be sorry for me, I just want to be normal." She said.

I nodded again, "Well you've got a good start.  Most normal people have at least one friend." I said, smiling at her.

She grinned, "Thank you Octavia.  I hope you know that you have friend in me as well."

"I know.  Just know that if we end up fighting in the tournament I'm not going easy on you."

"Right back to you." She said.

I grinned and chuckled, the two of us talking for a while longer before I headed to mine and Lincoln's room for bed.

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