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(NOTE: Image credit goes to harryssweetie at The Family Business on Quotev.  Trailer (video) credit goes to Haphephobia at Bultaoreune Fire on


The gunshot rang in my ears as pain erupted in my abdomen.  I looked up at Clarke as she let out a quiet "Lexa".  My legs gave out under me and she grabbed me.  "Quick.  Help me get her to the bed." Clarke ordered Titus, who had dropped the gun onto the ground with a clang.

They moved me quickly and Clarke set to work, giving me quiet reassurances.  What she didn't realize is that I didn't fear death, not even my own.  The only death I feared was Clarke's.  "Clarke." I finally said.

She looked at me, "It's going to be fine." She said, then returned to work.

I could feel the world beginning to spin around me.  "Ai gonplei ste odon. (My fight is over.)" I said softly.

"No.  Yu gonplei ste nou odon. (Your fight is not over.)" She growled back at me.  She said something to Titus but I couldn't make out the words as the world spun around me again.

"You were right Clarke, life is about more than just surviving." I said as I succumbed to the darkness.

I blinked my eyes open to see what looked like my room.  Strange, I didn't know this would be where I came after I died.

I tried to sit up, a small yell of pain escaping my lips as pain shot through my stomach - originating from where I'd been shot.

"Hey, hey, hey.  Lay down." Clarke said, dashing over to my side and laying a hand on my shoulder to keep me from trying to sit up again.

Panic shot through me.  If she was here then she would have had to die too...  No...  She couldn't be dead.  But at the same time she had to be - I had died.  Then again, if I was dead would there still be pain?

"You need to rest, you lost a lot of blood and you're still injured.  I don't want to think about what could happen if you reopen it." Clarke said, snapping me back to the present.

"Clarke, I can't reopen my wound - I'm dead." I said.

Clarke blinked and I could see her running through something in her mind, though it could also be she was too shocked to say anything.  "Lexa, you aren't dead.  I stopped the bleeding - a couple of the Nightbloods gave you blood transfusions so you would live.  You aren't dead Lex, you are very much alive." Clarke said when she finally found her voice.

I thought for a moment, it seemed reasonable.  "Where's Titus?" I asked, wanting to sit up and give that bastard a piece of my mind.

"He is in the dungeons under heavy guard.  You can deal with him after you've recovered.  Right now you need to worry about not reopening your injury." She paused, "Because you aren't dead."

I smiled, a small chuckle escaping my lips, "I got that part." I said.

She smiled, "Just making sure, because I need you to know you're alive so you don't do something too branwoda (foolish) on me." She said, leaning down so that her face was inches from mine.

Reaching up with my right arm I brought her closer to me, stretching my neck up to close the distance between us.

She smiled into the kiss and let out a satisfied humming noise.  "If anyone else said that things I do are foolish, Klark kom Skaikru (Clarke of the Sky People), I would have at least their tongue." I murmured as we separated by half an inch.

"Well then you'll have to settle for my lips, Leksa kom Trikru (Lexa of the Tree People)." She breathed, then leaned forward and rejoined our lips.

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