Journey to A Lake

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I smiled as I watched Raven attempt to fight Octavia.  It had only been a couple weeks since she had opened up about her past and honestly I still don't know what to say about it.  The reason I said attempt to fight Octavia is because Raven can't really fight yet so it's more of her stumbling around because of her leg and swinging a stick.

I grinned at her as Octavia let Raven knock the stick from her hands, holding up her hands, "You win Rae." She said.

Raven grinned, "That's because I'm awesome and have an awesome girlfriend." She said, sticking out her tongue in what she would insist was in a 'mature' way.

"And I have an awesome boyfriend!  Also, we've been together longer." Octavia retorted, sticking out her tongue.

Raven rolled her eyes, "So?  That doesn't make us a lesser couple!" Raven huffed.

I chuckled, "Raven, are we going anytime today?" I called.  We had planned on going to a lake nearby to swim - or me to teach her to swim, I don't know if she knows how.

Raven grinned at me and hurried over, "Yeah.  Sorry, I got distracted." She said, eyes shining with excitement.

"It's fine.  Come on, let's go get our bathing suits and we can go." I said.

She grinned at me again and dashed off.  Her leg recovery was going quickly and she was picking it up fairly well already.  Chuckling and shaking my head fondly, I followed.

She beat me to our bedroom and stuck out her tongue, "I win!" She said.

I chuckled, grinning at her, "Yes you did Raven." I said.

She grinned and walked over to the closet, pausing, "You know something." She said.

"Know what?" I asked.

"I've told you all about my past but you haven't told me much about yours.  I mean, I know of your husband and a little bit but not much about your past honestly." She said, looking at me over her shoulder.

I chuckled, "There's not much to know." I said, shrugging.  That was a lie for the most part.

She raised her eyebrow, "Come on.  We've got all day, and tomorrow, and a long time.  Please tell me." She said.  I knew she wouldn't be hurt if I said no or that I wasn't ready but I still couldn't deny her.

I sighed heavily and sat on one of the two couches, holding my head in my hands as I rested my elbows on my knees.

Raven sat beside me, laying a comforting hand on my thigh, "It's okay if you aren't ready Luna." She said softly, understanding in her voice.

"It's not a short story Raven." I warned, looking up at her.

Raven nodded, understanding in her eyes, "I know.  But when you're ready I want to know about it." She said, shifting closer to me.

I sighed and nodded, closing my eyes.  I repeated the story I'd told Clarke, using more details.  Unlike with Clarke, I told her of the Conclave - though I left out some details about the night before I was supposed to fight Lexa and the night before the Conclave started.

I paused when I had finished how I'd fled to Floukru, taking a shaky breath.  "Luna you don't have to tell me yet if you aren't ready.  I understand if you don't want to tell me about your husband yet." Raven said gently, having been silent throughout my story.  She shifted closer to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders pulling me into her.

I let  out a shaky breath, "I just don't want you to leave Raven." I said fearfully.

"I'm not going anywhere Luna.  There's nothing you could say or do to make me leave you." She assured me softly.

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